Florida land for salegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Pictures at www.countrybarns.safeshopper.com Beautiful property, just got back a couple of weeks ago from camping there (yes, dueing tropical storm Gordon !) Perfect for homesteaders. Neighbor has chickens, very friendly single dad of 6 year old daughter. Let me know if you have ????'s
-- Sue (sulandherb@aol.com), October 18, 2000
Sue,Wondered if you could help me out here. I tried to go to the website here to view the pictures of this Florida land but just came up with some Free Merchant website - alot of mumbo-jumbo that I didn't have time to read, join, log in, subscribe to etc. etc.
Was just wondering where these pictures were and exactly how do I get to them?
Thanks for your help, Greenthumbelina
-- Greenthumbelina (sck8107@aol.com), October 19, 2000.
CORRECTION! Sorry, the address is http://countrybarns.safeshopper.com (Skip the www.) Sue
-- Sue (sulandherb@aol.com), October 19, 2000.
Hi folks I live 15 miles from this land,5-10 acres with electric and county roads (dirt)go for 8 to 15 grand. I bought 5 acres with well and septic and small cabin for 12,000. BEEN HERE 2 YEARS ABD LOVE IT. Anybody interested give Frank Pierce a call 850 638 7606.
-- Daryll (twincrk@hotmail.com), October 20, 2000.