Magnificent Things! : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
This is for Joel and anyone else in need. (It's been raining here for three days, I could use a reminder.)The love a girl feels for her Dad. When my sister had her daughter, I asked my Dad, "Isn't she the most beautiful baby you've ever seen?" He said "No, were." I lost my Dad 3 years ago. The feelings I have for him are the most powerful I will ever experience. Dad's don't have to be perfect. Just let your kids know you love them.
-- Cathy Horn (, October 18, 2000
OK, how about a terrific thunder storm with lots of lightning. Brand new babies; human or animal, they're all pretty amazing. Deep blue skies. A two-hour nap.
-- Cathy Horn (, October 18, 2000.
Cathy, I'm so glad you posted this, actually, I was going t do the same when I saw this. If you would have asked me this question yesterday, I would have had a hard time finding a positive response. Especially after reading about how wonderful your relationship with your father was. I never had a father/daughter relationship and have missed it dearly. However, I have been able to accept God as my father as well as the Father, but it's difficult for me to get the whole idea. But coming as far as I have is magnificent.
Anyway, after a very difficult time Monday night, concerning someone I care about so much, I just about gave up. I now have hope again that things will work out. So I would say Hope is a magnificent thing. Through all the valleys that I've traveled, hope has been a constant. Many times I've almost given up, and looking back, I wonder how I ever made it, but God is faithful.
-- Cindy (, October 18, 2000.
A 2 hour nap, what's that?:~]
-- Cindy (, October 18, 2000.
sunrise as a beautiful red ball of fire comes over the hill as you come down the hill on the opposite side of the valley. the quiet of the full moon autumn midnight. the hush of the deep redwood forest on a foggy summer morning. the deep throated call of a steam train as it comes down the mountain. these things move me still to tears. may God give us many opportunites to enjoy these and many more.
-- betty modin (, October 18, 2000.
Wow! Thank you. Isn't it neat how someone can write something down and you can just read it, an it's like you take this momentary journey into their soul. The pen is indeed mightier than the sword. I posted the next thread before I realized what this one had in it. Wish I had put it here. Anyway thanks again, I think your all amazing and manificient!
-- Bonnie (, October 18, 2000.
How about lying under a horse chesnut tree in the fall and watching the sunlit leaves in all shades of yellow and green?A view of forever..
Walking way out to the mailbox and reading a letter from your sister on the stroll back down the hill?
For those who came from the burbs... the awesome feeling of absolute rightness when you walk around your land.
-- Amy Richards (, October 18, 2000.
Threads like this always seem to trigger lots of responses from the ladies, but few from the gents. So here's one.The Milky Way on a crisp autumn night. My daughter's male Peking duck that attacks my shoelaces when I invade his turf. And her goats asleep in the meadow on a lazy afternoon. My black male cat Vadar, using my chest for a heating pad. Owls calling across the meadow at night. Amish buggies clopping by the front porch and the driver tipping his hat. Fresh mown hay. The giggling excitement of a teenage daughter. Pictures from the Hubble Space Telescope. Lake Erie in a storm. A '95 Dodge Dakota pickup, previously owned by a college kid who only used it to impress the girls. My wife, my friend, my soulmate in one neat package.
-- Craig Miller (, October 18, 2000.
Let's's joy...Getting up early and having the coffee made before Pop came downstairs on his way to school; hearing the "thanks!" float back through the door as he grabbed his thermos and headed for the car.
Squinting in the sun and giggling at the incongruity of standing in a cotton dress, enjoying the warm breeze - while I hang flannel jumpers, heavy sweatshirts and long johns to dry on the clothesline. (I love Illinois weather!)
Finding a letter in the mailbox from my daughter's sweety, meeting her at school at lunchtime and seeing her face break out in a huge grin when she saw me waving his letter.
Driving 4 girls to Mickey D's for lunch - and getting hugs and "Thanks Mom!" from all of them.
Finding exactly the right fabric for Ma-in-law's Christmas lap quilt - and it was on sale!
Dumping a big basket of maple leaves into Bunny's hutch and watching him burrow down in the leaves to hide - then burst out and jump and play, just like a little kid!
Hearing the chickens cackling and knowing that I now have enough eggs to bake another batch of cookies to mail to Ryan and his buddies. And on my way to gather the eggs; watching my old, arthritic Shepard bounce and play like a puppy with the Sheltie.
Hearing my buddy Mike pull in with my load of straw - in time for the weenie roast this weekend. Teasing him about the "deer season" beard - and getting to tell him that Hubby gave up on his last night and went for the razor.
Knowing that I get to go into work tonight, and that no matter how long and rough a night it seems; I'll go home with the knowledge that I've been able to help someone who needed help, and brought some caring and kindness into someone's life.
Joy is all around you folks - if you can't see any in your life; then try giving some to someone else. You'll be amazed by the way it'll bounce back to you - usually when you least expect it.
-- Polly (, October 18, 2000.
Just a few but certaily not all of the things to be thankful for. Watchin the sunrise on a cool crisp frosty fall mornin. Listenin to the blue jays fussin with each other over turf. The smell of wood smoke filterin through the trees makin its way southward. Lookin into the beautiful face of each one of your babys for the first time. The smile of a little tyke, the little hand extended towards yours wanting the reassurance of saftey wherever you go. The smile of that same little milk burner as you sneak them a bag of M&M's without their parents catchin on. The quiet time you get to spend with Jesus Christ, talkin over things while settin outside takin in all of the surroundings of your immediate world. The gently hug from your life's mate-just to let you know she's still there beside you all the way. The lonesome call of the whipporill on an early summer evening-- and the last thing-looking into the face of your Saviour when death comes to claim you and He says "Well done thou good and faithful servant. Thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things. Enter thouinto the joy of thy Lord." Matt. 24:44
-- hoot gibson (, October 18, 2000.
Looking over our house and couple of acres with my wife and son by my side, realizing its ours and not just till the next rent due date .
-- Jay Blair (, October 18, 2000.
A warm wood stove with a good stew bubbling on it. Fall colors peeking thru low flying clouds. Ducks that quack as a trio with a hen obligato. Hot cocoa with marshmellos. A new book. The cats chasing each other. A long lunch with a good friend. The smell of apple and pumpkin pie in the oven. Ah, life is wonderful!
-- Cheryl Cox (, October 18, 2000.
When my 8 year old Nephew called me on Sunday to ask if I wanted to come over and play with his trucks. We crawled around on our hands & knees in the dirt for 2 hours. Boy what fun!!! His Mom (my sister) made us Peanutbutter & Jelly sandwiches. I can't wait for our next play date, but next time I think I'll wear knee pads because my knees hurt for 2 days.
-- Mark (, October 18, 2000.
MAGNIFICENT ! You folks covered them all--God, Family, Love, Hope, Crops, Property, Animals, Caring, Sharing. Sights, Smells, Tastes, Sensations and Memories. Thank You all, and a special thanks to sheepish who thought meeting me was a positive. ( I feel the same way, sheepish. ) Thank You. Kathy for starting the thread (BTW,lovely memory) and to all who shared !
And one from me - My beloved wife and children, who have suffered every failure, inspired every success, and whose endearing love has risen me to heights I could only have dreamed of--to see you all together is Magnificent !
-- Joel Rosen (, October 19, 2000.
First off an answer to Cindy's question in the city a 2 hour is usually in the afternoon or morning. On an active homestead it is many times what we might refer to as a goodnights sleep.The way God sometimes works my most recent experience was the outpouring of those of you on this forum to my bad day yesterday. I really believe that my God led me to post knowing it was the best way for me to get His love through others who are His children.
After milking a goat and after opening the stanchion but rather than getting right down she lays her head on your shoulder and in goat talk says thanks.
I too like the stars. My favorite is a 3-4 inch snow and a full moon then walking through the woods.
The trusting look of our animals as we take care of their needs with a little love.
Being gone away from home and getting back just the feeling when your feet touch your land and you hear the animals giving you a very audible welcome home.
The crisp cold air when you get up in the winter then the smell of the wood burning in the woodstove and the coffee brewing.
They are always around we just need to remember them.
-- gail missouri ozarks (, October 19, 2000.
Magificent things~ Baby's first anything, the ocean any time, clean sheets, someone warm to heat up your feet on a cold night, moonlight, silver linings, realising God's love, making others happy, coconut cream pie, losing excess weight from too much coconut cream pie, love and acceptance for being yourself, my children when they are asleep or don't know I am watching them, the smell of cat fur,children singing, a good dog. Thats all I can think of right now. :D
-- Alison in NS (, October 24, 2000.
Great post-probably the one that will keep me here. I was really discouraged with the forum after reading the posting where everyone was griping, bitching and calling each other names. That wasn't what I felt this forum was for--exchanging ideas, yes, but nastiness, no. This restores my faith and good feelings about everyone, and you all are some of the magnificent "things" I would like to add to the lists of things I am thankful for. Jan
-- Jan in Colorado (, October 24, 2000.