Is OK City an OK place to homestead?? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
My husband's employer has a plant in Oklahoma City and we were considering trying to relocate there. Currently we are near Denver, Co which was just ranked the 6th highest priced place to live! We were hoping that moving to a more affordable area might be the ticket to a little financial breathing room & the possibility to expand our homesteading. What we would like to have is 20+ acres of decent ag land (for pasture & gardens), a 3 bdrm home, within 1 hrs drive to OK city. What type of $$$ would we have to spend, we don't mind a little sweat equity. Any weird regulations we would need to know about. What's the weatehr like, etc, etc. I would really like to hear advice from OK residents if possible.
-- Elle (, October 16, 2000
Hello Elle! :0) I live in Oklahoma. And I have to say from experience,the weather can be pretty weird. Once it snowed in June. I guess finding a place that size near OKC might be kind of tricky. I live just outside Norman.We have 5 acres. We have goats,chickens,ducks. And the lady across the street has 3 Horses. I don't think they have any nig time weird regulations in Norman,as a matter of fact the people down the street have a Llama and a donkey! I hope I've helped a little bit. I'll check around and get some more specific info if you'd like. Feel free to email me!
-- Cosmic Country Girl (, January 23, 2001.
I like OK, I have only lived here 3 years. We lived in Utah, Calif., Ill, Wis., Ky, and oversees a few times (have you guess who my husband works for!) We are settling here. My oldest has started OSU last year and my youngest start OBU this fall. There is a lot to get use to and this has been the hardest place to get involved with, but then again we are living real rural on 300 acreas so it is hard to jog on over to you neighborss!
-- Debbie (, January 24, 2001.