Info about land leasing would be : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi All!We have just bought our farm in SW Missouri and an aquaintance is interested in leasing our some of our land for cattle. I was wondering what kinds of fees people charge and what kinds of things to consider, or look out for. Any information about this would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
-- Carleen (, October 14, 2000
Carleen, here in Kentucky they don't pay much at all for leasing, maybe a 100 or 2 a year. Better would maybe be a steer or heifer, or in exchange for cutting your hay, or something the person would do for you. I let a friend put his cows in my field in exchange for use of his tractor, and then he baled my hay for me. Here they charge 25 an acre to bushhog, which is high for us. You have to tell your insurance agent about it, and they will give you a 'rider' to cover any damage the cows might do to others property, cars, etc. Ours was 10 dollars a year to cover. I wouldn't sign anything long term, maybe depending on the condition of the land, dry years vs wet years. Congradulations on your new farm!!
-- Cindy in Ky (, October 14, 2000.
I noticed that you used the term aquaintance so would think it would be in a way a business deal. How many acres? I think that a visit with your county agent would let you know what is customary in your area. After you find out how much cash might be involved you would then be in a better position to know what would be a fair trade or barter. gail
-- gail missouri ozarks (, October 15, 2000.
Here in Ionia Co. Michigan we rent land by the acre. It can go anywhere from -$30 per acre for sandy to $125+ for prime farm land. It varies alot. Go to your Extension office, they have a listing of the averages for your area. Just one thing, GET IT IN WRITING. This is an absolute must. We had a renter that did not pay his rent after taking soys and corn off 125 acres, took him to court and lost because it was one of those handshake deals, nothing in writing. The guy had rented from my mom for a number of years, had a bad year in his personal life and decided he couldn't afford to pay the rent. By the way . . . this WAS a long time friend! Extension office has examples of leases to use and if this person is honest and forthright he/she will want a written lease for their protection also. Sorry to be such a downer but, once burned twice learned.
-- Betsy (, October 15, 2000.
I live here in south central Missouri and my girlfriend leases land for her cattle. She pays 5.oo a head or 8.oo for cow and calf each month on your land. Also the land owner has the right to not lease the next month if the land is being miss used.
-- Teresa (, June 20, 2001.