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Are there any homesteaders in south central Kentucky near Burkesville? We would like to know about the area both generally and specifically. Thanks. You may email me personally
-- Norma Lucas (, October 14, 2000
Norma, I don't know anything about Kentucky, but are you thinking to leave our beautiful State? Did that early snow do it? Hate to loose even one family of "farmers" you know. Maureen
-- Maureen Stevenson (, October 14, 2000.
Norma, I live in central Ky. but I live north of Lexington, I believe Burkesville is south of Lexington. What type of information are you looking for?? We love it here, we moved here from New Hampshire three years ago, and love the short winters! We raise llamas for the wool(I'm a spinner) and for their packing companionship. I also have an angora goat, a large standard donkey, chickens, guineas and ducks. We have a fun time meddling in farming but get most of our income from other sources. The town we live in is called Kelat which is about half way between Cynthiana and Falmouth. Let me know what you are looking for as far as information goes and I will try to respond, you may e-mail me personally if you want to.
-- emily (, October 14, 2000.
Norma, we are in Kentucky, 100 miles north of Burksville, near Elizabethtown. It's beautiful down there by Bowling Green. Farm land for miles and miles. It's perfect here for gardens, long growing season, I am still eating strawberrys and if it weren't for the early freeze, I would have tons of tomatoes still and peppers. Our grass is green and growing still, grows like mad in good years. I love it here. We don't have air conditing, don't want it, and it isn't bad at all. Jobs in big factorys start out at 9 or 10 with benefits, our property taxes on 12 acres is 280 a year. Not bad really. Land is about 3,000 an acre, cheaper further out. We know a lot of Lucas folks around here!
-- Cindy in Ky (, October 14, 2000.
Thank you Maureen...Alaska will never leave my heartWe have been fortunte and had many wonderful adventures but ou ages are beginning to catch up with us and dh is both effected and affected by the long dark winters. Other dear ones, thank you for this good info. Our youngest daughters and a son are in the South. We found some property which we are investigating; one in particular is near Burkesville and thus the question. We are retired but still young enough with lots energy to build a minihomestead as we have here and love it......we want a garden, chickens, geese, milk goats, etc. We have never ived in the South so have many questions. Please feel free to email me personally
-- Norma Lucas (, October 15, 2000.
Don't live in Kentucky but have been researching places to move to for about a year. I've looked into the counties just North of and East of Bowling Green. Met some wonderful people in Metcalfe (?) county. Were very friendly - I know often in small towns outsiders aren't accepted - they were all real nice, even talking about helping me get a job! Land was cheap!! Could get good farm land, often with barn structures, for $1000 an acre. Many had creeks or ponds. Lots of woods, cheap taxes. I went on some real estate sites to get ideas about land prices, and that led me to all sorts of other info. One site was (in Hart County - north of Bowling Green). Also Estes Real Estate in Edmonton was really helpful - almost bought land through them - don't think they have a web site, but could get you their address, etc. if you want it. Lots of places to visit, things to see, many arts related activities - I loved the area both times I visited.
-- Julia in Tally (, October 17, 2000.
Norma, Maybe we can help you, see our web site at call with any questions that you might have. Terry
-- Terry D. Riley (, November 26, 2000.