Fri 13th -- TB2000 slEaZy Falls in Toilet : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

Forget about the mideast coming to an end, its TB2000 at Sleazy Board that's in serious trouble. Not that anyone here really cares.

attempt at link


-- (, October 14, 2000


git up there.

-- (you@lready.know), October 14, 2000.

And this board hasn't had it's infighting?

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black...

-- Deb M. (, October 14, 2000.

Actually, Deb M., while we've had a litte infighting here, what is going on at EZBoard is truely impressive.

In other words, perhaps the kettle IS black, even if it may be impolitic of the pot to mention this fact.

-- E.H. Porter (Just, October 14, 2000.


"A little" infighting? Please. This board has been nothing but infighting, for quite some time now, either CPR vs. everyone, or someone else... I seem to recall a time, a few months back, where it was nothing but one "question" after another, with nothing but name calling. With no informative posts at all. It took quite a concerted effort by others to stop the fighting here.

Sure, EZZBoard has it's share of problems. But that they have more problems than here - not by a long shot. Impressive, nah, not compared to the mess that's occured here...

-- Deb M. (, October 14, 2000.

Still, one wonders why they should be having so many problems considering they banned all the "polly troll" disruptors and "anthill-kickers" that were supposedly ruining the place.

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), October 14, 2000.


-- not-surprised (, October 14, 2000.

Al-d posted about religion. He is now banished for life.

-- Chuckles the Day Diver (just@playin'.God), October 14, 2000.

Does Anyone Hear A Flushing Sound from the direction of Sleazy Board?

-------------------------------------------- Chuck a Night Driver Administrator (10/14/00 11:05:33 am) Reply

Re: [TIP] Congratulations are in order.... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- This thjread and the responses has demonstrated the falacy of being able to separate religious discussions to another board.

A wise Quake friend once said to me, during a particularly acrimonious discussion in a commune which was punctuated by crashing chairs and flying crockery (Quakers Non-violent?? OK) that when you have only two options, choose the third.

HERE the 2 options are to leave things as they are, or to try (as this thread AMPLY testifies) to remove the religious debates.

The third option, which is NOT considered all that viable among the shrinking Sysop corps is a much more upfront role for the sysops. By this I mean a LOT more intervention in threads. This means that a LOT of people may see their posts edited away with the note "Inapropriate behaviour" or some such.

This would call for a HUGE investment of time. I ALREADY spend an average of 7 hours a day here. I REALLY don't want to spend more. My bride would be understandable furious.

If I thought this option was viable I would encourage it. I dunno.

I haven't seen enough evidence to suggest that the folks here are sufficiently mature to accept the rebukes without flaming one of us either in e-mail or on the forum. And the OTHER option is, indeed, to pull the plug (you have NO idea what those 13 letters and 4 spaces cost me).

Think about it. Don't post a response today. THINK about it. Remember that your RESPONSES, both in tone S well as in content will be part of the evidence we use to decide which way we are going.

Also remember that this board, by the very nature of BBS's does NOT run on parliamentary, or election rules. In the end a small group WILL get together to make the decisions.

And if THAT concept bothers you, consider where that leaves you. Because, in the end, it's how the world works.

"The world will go as it wills, whether you will or no."



-- (, October 14, 2000.

Which just goes to prove what we all suspected: CND has no life, nor is it the best use of your time to police a board. Whine, whine, whine. Better wine, wine, wine and steak in LV. Wish I were there....

-- (neener@neener.neener), October 14, 2000.

If TB2000 shuts down, those goofballs won't come back here, will they?

-- (it'sbeen@quiet.lately), October 14, 2000.

They're certainly welcome to if they want.

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), October 14, 2000.

Looks like lots of posturing going on. A few people will get booted off the island, a few people will leave of their own accord, a few people might find their way back here and then leave if the board starts getting spammed again. That's life in cyberspace. TB2000 isn't going to shut down anytime soon.

Chuck sounds like he takes his role as a sysop a tad too seriously, however, just based on the letter that was posted above. He has a volunteer position on a public BBS. Not worth the stomach acid, in my opinion, but no one asked me.

-- (raven@never.more), October 14, 2000.

Sure they would be welcome, but their inaccurate and unsubstantiated posts would be met with derision and they would soon leave. See Nikoli's posts for an example. Revolutions [even revolutions leading to censorship} always eat their own.


-- DB (, October 14, 2000.

I ALREADY spend an average of 7 hours a day here. I REALLY don't want to spend more. -Chuck

Did I read that right? Did he actually say he spends SEVEN HOURS PER DAY monitoring EZboard!? That's truly pathetic!

-- CD (, October 14, 2000.

Well, some people watch the TeeVee for five or six hours a day.

-- (, October 14, 2000.


"A little" infighting? Please. This board has been nothing but infighting, for quite some time now, either CPR vs. everyone, or someone else... I seem to recall a time, a few months back, where it was nothing but one "question" after another, with nothing but name calling. With no informative posts at all. It took quite a concerted effort by others to stop the fighting here.

Sure, EZZBoard has it's share of problems. But that they have more problems than here - not by a long shot. Impressive, nah, not compared to the mess that's occured here... -- Deb M. (, October 14, 2000.

Deb, I have read the thread and I don't agree. What is going on over there is different; not important, but different. It is not a battle of egos or a battle of ideas. It is a religous war. I hope they can repair it. Doesn't seem likely as long as they keep talking by each other. Think Palistine or Ireland.


-- DB (, October 14, 2000.


You know, you might be right. I think it's a little of both, religious and egos.

I started a poll, to see what they want to have done to the forum. Perhaps that'll stop the name-calling and get things back on track. I certainly do hope so.

-- Deb M. (, October 14, 2000.

I think it's the full moon and the fact that they didn't goto LV, Deb. They'll get over it. Things will be back to business as usual by Sunday night or so.

-- (raven@never.more), October 14, 2000.

Understanding flame wars

-- (Understanding@flame.wars), October 14, 2000.


Don't even think about the goofballs coming here if EZB folds.

These wackos would be tolerated here, but surely not welcome here.

-- (r@nd.h), October 14, 2000.


Aha, so that's the reason why! Maybe I should just buy rounds for everyone, maybe that'll do the trick. (Either that, or the board's going to be filled with a bunch of drunken hipocrites. Shudder...)

Thanks for the tip, Raven. It's good to hear a little sanity tonight, no matter what board it's on... :-)

-- Deb M. (, October 14, 2000.

Deb M -- maybe I just didn't notice the infighting here, because I don't read threads I consider likely to contain it (unless I'm in the mood to read that sort of stuff). For example, in recent months I don't read anything posted by CPR and only read Al-d's stuff if I'm in the mood for a little religious humor.

Posts are like television -- no one makes you read the stuff. You can turn off the TV, and you can turn off CPR if you don't like him. I only get concerned when something like CPR's last effort (tacking massive amounts of repetitive material in lots of posts) makes it difficult to read and participate in those threads I find interesting.

-- E.H. Porter (Just, October 15, 2000.

Ms. M, it looks like you have let these forums become the most important aspect of your life. Why are you so concerned? Girl, its just a cyber world and you are treating it like your life is threatened. You even put up some silly poll over at the EZ site then asked for it to be shut down. Stop!

Go outside and take in some fresh air.better yet, get laid and discover how much fun the real world can be.

-- One (who@Cs.all), October 15, 2000.

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