Senna : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Called a dealer this A.M. He was aware of the Senna. But that's it. Factory doesn't tell him shit. Just a days notice of pending delivery of back-ordered bikes and then he only gets one.!! Hmmm, doesn't sound too cool.

-- Patrick Donnelly (, October 11, 2000


I called FBF a couple of weeks ago, they were taking names for a list of people who wanted the Senna's but did not know for sure if they would be imported to the US. If they do verify that they are going to be imported then they will request a $5,000 deposit. I'm second on the list at this point. I don't know if I will trade my F4S in or just add the Senna to the stable, I have a 98 Senna III that is the same color.

-- Ed Vanaman (, October 11, 2000.

Patrick / Ed,

I too have placed an order for a Senna and am 4th. on the UK list; it is believed 18 will be delivered to the UK, same number as the gold series, but here the deposit requested is #5,000, (= $7,500 USD), and I would be interested in the quoted overall price across the water. The UK bike show is due in Birmingham from 11th. to the 19th. November, and if a Senna is to be on display then I may make the round trip to attend.Castiglioni has stated that the production run will amount to 300 bikes only but going on past experience when he headed Ducati the same rule was to apply, and we know the result !!

-- Francis Duguid (, October 20, 2000.

Have any of you gotten a price on the Senna yet?

-- joel sherriff (, January 03, 2001.

Yikes! I just found the MSRP and did the conversion...~$27,000 Ouch.

-- joel sherriff (, January 03, 2001.

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