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Does anyone know of anyone who would be interested in this situation?I'm looking for a retired (or financially independent) gentleman with no personal ties (pets are OK) who is looking for a piece of land to call home, and needs a spot for a small trailer or camper or place to build a small cabin or portable structure, garden space & peace & quiet in exchange for general property caretaking and misc. handyman skills. Just be there and help when necessary. There is no salary. Located in the beautiful High Peaks area of the Adirondack Mts. of NE NYS on a small 5 acre homestead & passive solar underground home, small barn and art studio to share. Should be honest and respectable, NS, non-alcoholic (social drinking OK), no druggies. Looking for a long-term individual if possible. I am not looking for a mate..platonic only. Can be contacted at: or at HC1 - Box 16 - Upper Jay, NY 12987. Thanks for your help.
-- Elaine Rielly (, October 09, 2000
You're a brave girl Elaine! Be careful when you let a total stranger share your property. Looks can be very deceiving. It would be worth $25 to do a background check on any person you are considering for this position.
-- Jim (, October 09, 2000.
Thanks Jim,,I plan on being very careful. How does one go about a background check? I'm about to retire from teaching, want to do alittle budget-type travelling and thought it's be nice to have someone here to handle emergencies and general maintenance help. Elaine
-- Elaine Rielly (, October 09, 2000.
In NC they have a sight that I think is called or some such and you use it to background check for criminal records in this state. Your state probably has a similar thing - try punching in criminal record check or some such on your search engine, or ask jeeves. Probably costs a small fee per check.
-- Soni (, October 09, 2000.
Elaine, it sounds like a plan-but as said-be careful! Not to be a wet blanket, but not all creeps have worn 'prison garb', one of my dearest friends, at a low point in his life, spent nearly a year in jail. He is no longer the same person, and to not give someone like him a chance is your loss. On the other hand, I've met some truly scary people, who have never in their life gotten so much as a parking ticket. Get lots of checkable references, and I hope you have good intuition!
-- Kathy (, October 09, 2000.
elaine, I go along with the be very careful advice, there are lots of very bad people out in this world. Also, a woman can caretake and do handy stuff just as well as some men. They can be dangerous too but thought you should give that some consideration. I'm not applying for the job but know plenty of handy women who homestead and are heterosexual too.
-- Karen Mauk (, October 10, 2000.
Elaine, Great idea and I bet you get a lot of inquires on that position you have in mind. To be safer, how about a couple , husband and wife team? Or a local family that needs what you have, such as gardens, barns, fields, etc. in exchange for what you will need? In any event, get some personal references from them as well as business references and really do make those calls to check up on them. Best of luck. Maureen
-- Maureen Stevenson (, October 16, 2000.
Elaine, you might be able to find someone locally, perhaps a retired fellow who would just like to have a little something to keep him busy. You might be able to arrange a swap of some kind, maybe a place to park a MH for an older couple on social security. It would probably be safer to make such an arrangement with local people who are known in the area; they would be able to give you local references, as well. And if people are in an area where they are known, there is an accountability that comes with that.
-- Kathleen Sanderson (, October 16, 2000.
the adress to do a criminal rcords check cuontry wide here in nc is the fee is 12.00 $ well worth it I think ..............
-- leisa in nc (, May 12, 2001.