Knitting Pattern Wanted [Legwarmers] : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Remember leg warmers? They were a fashion item back in the 1980's, if I remember correctly. You could buy them everywhere. It was ONE fashion trend that was actually practical.

I am looking for instructions for knitting them. I think I could "invent" them on my own, but before I invest the time and materials, I'd like to see instructions for making them. Anyone have instructions or patterns that you'd be willing to part with or make copies of? I don't crochet, only knit. Thanks!

-- Joy Froelich (, October 08, 2000


My pattern is for crocheted ones, not knitted.

-- R. (, October 08, 2000.

Joy , do a web search for free knit patterns theres a bunch is one I think I saw a pattern on 1 site .

-- Patty Gamble (, October 08, 2000.

Daughter and I are cheering wildly at the re-introduction of this fashion trend, since we wear skirts and dresses all the time! She remembers wearing them at elementary recess, on cold winter days.

-- Leann Banta (, October 09, 2000.

I still have a pair of those oldies! None the worse for wear, but they work! My cousin walks 6 city blocks, from Grand Central to her job; she had her Mom knit several pair of warmers, based on a sweater sleeve pattern, 'cuffing' both ends, with light wide elastic at the top.

-- Kathy (, October 09, 2000.

Leann, I don't know of a fashion trend back to them -- I just want some for myself. I only had one pair back then, they are now too small (thick legs), and I figured the only way to get them was make them myself. I might try sewing some from polar fleece too.

I could NOT care less about what is in fashion, if I'm too cold or too hot!

-- Joy Froelich (, October 09, 2000.

Joy, if you didn't find one yet go to There is a pattern there.

-- Patty (, November 01, 2000.

you can always get them from a dance supplier. i'm a dancer and think that this is the easiest. has a bunch at a reasonable price. :)

-- superpezgirl (, February 11, 2001.

Go to This is an online knitting magazine. There is a legwarmer pattern from Sally Melville in this issue. This is a back issue, so get it while you can (after a while, they take them off the site and put them on CDs to sell. This one in particular is a great one for using up extra yarn. GT

-- GT (, August 05, 2001.

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