How much was Poe paid for the Raven? : LUSENET : The Work of Edgar Allan Poe : One Thread

Does anyone know how much Edgar Allan Poe was paid for writing the poem The Raven?

-- Anonymous, October 08, 2000



According to the Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore at , there are several sources with differing amounts paid to Edgar Allan Poe for the poem The Raven.

1. An estimate by John W. Ostrom indicates a payment to Poe of $9.00.

2. Thomas O. Mabbot says that family tradition holds that Poe received $15.00.

3. R. H. Stoddard stated in 1877 that the publisher of The Raven recalled paying $10.00

4. Dr. Thomas Dunn English stated in The Independent of November 5, 1896, that Poe received $30.00


-- Anonymous, October 08, 2000

I believe the A&E Biography video I showed stated he received 14.00.

-- Anonymous, October 10, 2000

i was told that it was roughly 50 pence give or take a bit

-- Anonymous, February 06, 2002

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