to peter chung concerning future of aeon : LUSENET : Aeon Flux : One Thread

Do you think that you would be at all interested in starting a studio and distributing new episodes to the public? i am one of your most loyal fans, Mr. Chung, and to see you do what you do best with our favorite monican superspy again would mean too much to me and the rest of your loyal fans. Thank you for your time.

-- Douglas Borghese (, October 07, 2000


If you go to you'll see in an interview with Peter he states, "At the moment I don't have any ambitions for running a studio on my own". Funny your wish was my wish too, (I figured it was a perfect way for his work to get 'out there' constantly, no restrictions, in other words "pure" Peter Chung. Then again, who could take the uncut stuff, we'd probably O.D. You can understand his point of view, he wants to create, running a studio is a whole other headache.

-- Barb e. (, November 07, 2000.

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