How's the canning? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

The sweet potatoes just went into the canner. Until I get milk and maybe some organice beef, that's it for the year. Already, it's seems so soon. Each year canning gets a little easier it seems. I'm much more organized and am learning that I don't have use every little bit, and some things can wait. Apples for pie still need to be frozen and maybe some more greens, otherwise the freezing is done. Probablay will dry bananas when they're on sale and maybe some jerky, if I can get the organic beef

How is all of your food preserving coming along?

-- Cindy (, October 07, 2000


Well, I'm just now finshing up the end of the tomatoes. Doing some spaghetti sauce (meatless). This afternoon I'll be taking my brother some of our potato crop in exchange for some of his apple crop, so this week I'll be canning applesauce. That'll be about it until the venison comes rolling in. We usually freeze that, but maybe I'll try to can a little this year.

-- Laurie in WI (, October 07, 2000.

Have canned ground beef, beans and split pea soup. Not much this year as our gardens were a bust due to the sand movement problem but we are working on that.

-- Katie (, October 07, 2000.

Got several pints of green beans this year, first time I've gotten a cannable amount. Not to mention several pounds frozen. Also tomato sauce, corn, and fixing to do pears. Still got green tomato mincemeat from last year - good thing, as this year's tomato crop was, if not a dud, not impressive; no tomatoes left, green or otherwise at this, the first probable frost, a bit earlier than usual. The garden was not as it should have been this year - I just didn't have the energy to put into it that I needed to. I have great plans for next year (once again).

-- Soni (, October 07, 2000.

14 Quarts of pickled hot peppers from eight plants. The new raised bed I built is paying off! I planted 32 hot peppers but lost 75% in two major storms. (hail) Have enough for two more quarts but am using them for fresh eating. Yes my innards are probably shredded, but I'm addicted. Is there any support group for such? Will be canning applesauce and New England clam chowder this week.

-- Ed Weaver (, October 07, 2000.

Hi Cindy, I'm done with all the veggies this year. Have pears almost ready to be picked & canned, also apples. Will be taking a bunch of roosters that we raised (hatched from our mama hens this year), to an Amish family to "butcher" for us. I know, we could do it ourselves, but ugh!! They charge $1.00 per chicken, so it is worth it to me to have them do it. Anyway, as soon as we get that done, I will be putting up quarts of chicken noodle soup (also helps me use up all these eggs in the yummy noodles) and then will mostly be done for the year. Will probably still do some chili, etc.. but can do it at my leisure as opposed to the rush of summer. Time to settle in and enjoy our "bounty"! God Bless! Wendy

-- Wendy@GraceAcres (, October 07, 2000.

I'got a late start because of my grandson. I missed peaches and pears but I still have some in storage. I'm canning apple pie filling now. I gave up canning plain apples when I realized I turned it all into apple pies anyway. After the pie filling, it will be apple juice and grape juice. I would love to can some of my dried beans if I can get the jars. I will still be on a major hunt for jars again this year. Never again will I give away jars because "they are so easy to replace". Yeah, right.

-- Cheryl Cox (, October 08, 2000.

I got Lynn to try her hand at it. Up to now she was freezing and dehydrating. We started with hot peppers, next year maybe more.

-- Jay Blair (, October 08, 2000.

I did a batch of salsa and have another batch waiting to be canned in the pot in the fridge. Gonna make watermelon rind pickles as soon as the salsa is out of the way and then move on to carrot marmalade.

-- Alison in NS (, October 11, 2000.

Alison, would you post you carrot marmalade recips. That's a new one for me.

-- Cindy (, October 11, 2000.

27 quarts of sauerkraut this week using the recipe in Countryside where they sit outside for 3 days. Hope it works!!!

-- Mary (, October 12, 2000.

Mary, the kraut sits in the sun for three days in the recipe I use. It works well. It's not as bitey as store bought, which is o.k. with me.

-- Cindy (, October 12, 2000.

Have just finished making 2 cases of plum chutney. Picked the last of the tomatoes in the greenhouse and will make a dozen or so jars of Creole sauce. Have picked most of the Bosc pears, and will make a case or two of chutney from them, and some rhubarb chutney from frozen. Didn't grow any corn this year, and it is so high in the farmers market (4 ears for $l) don't know if I will get any to freeze this year. I am dehydrating most of the veggies now as they take so much less space than canned. Will dry about 6 lbs. of hamburger yet and can some lean stew meat, just to save me a few trips to the grocery store this winter. Have one apple tree yet to pick and do something with them. Have any of you tried grinding a whole orange and adding to apple sauce? It a little different, but great tasting.

-- Hazel L. Mauger (, October 12, 2000.

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