B&W experimental knowledge base... Ask SERAPIO!greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo: URL Review : One Thread |
It's part of my Blanco & Negro photography site. I have some galleries and would like to hear your opinions.Are you a B&W amateur too?... Ask SERAPIO!
-- Felipe Huicochea (felipe@ciateq.mx), October 06, 2000
OK everybody: This is how to design a website!! When all of you folks out there start putting things together, ask yourself this: Is this up to Felipe's standards? Kudos to you, Felipe, your design is magnificent. Now then: Your faq page would benefit from an index at the top. The page http://www.amigosdemexico.org.mx/cgi- bin/photo/gallery/people.pl gives me the following error when I click on any of the people portraits: You are coming from:
This site is not authorized to use any content from our server!
In fact, that message comes up when I try to view any of the pictures. If there is only one series to view, you really don't need the "start here" splash page. Good opening paragraph on the people gallery, though. Your site seems to be designed for 1024x768. Most people use 800x600, and there are still a large number of 640x480 users. Good job on Serapio! I like it. http://www.amigosdemexico.org.mx/cgi-bin/photo/serapio.cgi shows me a repeat of the top of your head. Look on the lower left, you will see it just above the copyright notice. Excellent site!!
-- Brian C. Miller (brian.c.miller@gte.net), October 06, 2000.