Why Is Gore Going to Win the Election

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It pretty much appears to be over....Gore will most likely win this election.

Now....tell me why.

Because in order for him to be elected a lot of so called "church" people will have to vote for him.

How do they do it??.....and sleep at night.

Is it simply a matter of looking out more for their pocket books than for making a moral stand??

How could Gore constantly lie....and even have the press call him on it for a change.....and yet people will vote for him anyway??

Is this the beginning of the end for American culture??? Have we been lied to so much that we cannot distinquish between falsehood and truth anymore.....therefore....the apathy??

I really want someone to tell me why this is going to happen.....because it enrages me.

-- Anonymous, October 05, 2000



You are 150% correct!!!!


Would you agree that we most definitely no longer have a right to call this a "Christian nation?" I believe Francis Schaeffer alluded to this before his death saying we lived in a "post Christian" era.

-- Anonymous, October 06, 2000


You are so absolutely correct!!!!

It appears for the last 25 years......preachers have been more interested in "Church Growth"....(i.e. "get them in").....as opposed to getting the gospel "in to" the people that show up.

As per the personal arsenal.....you are exactly right.

Let me give a few quotes from Thomas Jefferson......

Quote #1...."The beauty of he Second Amendment is that it will not be needed until they (i.e., the govt.) tries to take it away."

Quote #2...."Occasionally the blood of patriots is required to remind us of the cost of freedom."

Quote #3...."Fighting tyranical bullies.....is the will of God."

You are correct.....if Gore wins....and in addition get a majority in the House or Senate......it's the beginning of the end.

Come quickly Lord Jesus!!

-- Anonymous, October 06, 2000


It's 5:30 AM....and they still don't know.

You spoke too soon.

-- Anonymous, November 08, 2000

The reason is because G.W. has to run against not only his opponent but against the almost entire media as well.

The press has a tremendous amount of power, especially because most people are not informed on the issues.

Only Ollie North is a conservative on TV (and some radio people whom I don't listen to). Even Chris Matthews, who seemed to be fair, said awhile back that he would vote for Gore. (Of course, he was a speech writer for Carter).

The liberal colleges of the 30s, 40s, and 50s have really succeeded, as have the teachers in the public schools who graduated from those colleges. We have become almost completely secularized.

And Christian parents have probably not spent enough time instructing their children from God's word when they sit, walk and lie down in their everyday lives.

-- Anonymous, October 05, 2000

I noticed something in the last debate, and I am not the only one because the next day I saw Rush Limbaugh on TV and he noticed exactly the same thing I did. Al Gore has tried to copy the mannerisms, facial expressions and speaking style, and even the look (hair style even), of the Great Communicator, Pres. Ronald Reagan. Which is pathetic considering how the liberals and the press like to crucify the Gipper.

-- Anonymous, October 06, 2000


As to your question of why: All of the above answers are correct. I boggles my mind how someone who calls themself a Christian could possible support a man that takes pride in killing babies. A person who would do that is capable of doing ANYTHING, yet they think Gore is actually concerned about their Retirement benefits????? Give me a break!

In his liberal mind, Seniors are jusy one step out of the grave - that step being a notice from the National Population Agency which says, "Our research has determined that you are no longer a "viable" member of our Society, therefore you are hereby summoned to report to the Existance Termination Office by the 31st of this month for processing-out. And Thank You for supporting the Democratic Party."

If you don't think that can & will happen under Liberal leadership, guess again. Dr "Jack the Ripper" Kevorkian is still alive and well and orchestrating the death of seniors, yet when was the last time you saw him mentioned in the media? The heart of America has been darkened by Liberalism and there is no limit as to how low we will be brought down to.

Francis Schaeffer was absolutely right in his assessment of America.

I ain't ready to conceed to Gore yet, but I am looking at building up my personal arsenal before January and am looking for some isolated country property - such may be the only hope of true Democracy in America.

That sounds extreme, but I am convinced that if Gore wins & the Congress looses it's Republican majorities this country will no longer exist (at least not in any recognizable form) in 50 years.

It'll be a nation under god alright - the god of greed, the god of power, the god of genocide & murder, and the god of situation ethics. Personally, I don't care to live in such a place.

Finally, consider this: Gore has proven himself to be a liar, a murderer of babies & Seniors, and morally corrupt via his alliance with "Slick Willy". Who do we know to be the father of lies, a murderer from the beginning, and one with absolutely no decent morals or values? .......Could it be........Satan!

Bottom line, a vote for Gore is a vote in support of, "the rulers....the powers....the world forces of this darkness....the spiritual forces of wickness in the heavenly places" (Eph 6:12)

Danny, maybe that is where your answer lies. Liberal theology backs Liberal Politics and the Pulpits of America bear much of blame for what's going on. Morals begin with God, Christ, His Church, and His Word - apparently we (generally speaking) have failed America.

My fellow Preachers, we still have 1 month in which to act - get the Word out while we still have a chance to do so.

-- Anonymous, October 06, 2000


I cannot know for certain who will win any election. I am just not very competent to prognosticate these things. But I can tell you one thing for certain. This evil man will not win this election because E. Lee Saffold, a servant of Christ our Lord, voted for him! Nor should he win because any other faithful Christian voted for him. If he wins let it be because evil prevails in our country instead of the shameful possibility that the prevailing righteous ignorantly and apathetically yielded the reigns of their power to evil!

Let us not for get the power of our Prayers before God and the manner in which the scriptures teach us to pray for those who rule over us in this land where we are strangers and pilgrims. Let us vote the way we pray. If we pray for righteousness to prevail shall we shamefully vote for evil to ascend to the throne? God forbid it!

Any of you who call yourself Christians that vote for Gore in this election are traitors to the very cause of Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

E. Lee Saffold

-- Anonymous, October 06, 2000

Amen, Brother Lee!

I like the way you think - keep Preaching it!

-- Anonymous, October 06, 2000

I must mention that I am THRILLED that Danny agrees with me on ANYTHING!

IMHO the Democrats will do EVERYTHING in their power (and they have a lot of it) to help Gore win.

Even when G.W.s points were high, I believed that he couldn't win. The Clintons know how to 'commit politics', and they have taught thir adherents well.

They will do ANYTHING, say ANYTHING,~ ANY LIE, ANY ACT ~ to win.

I pray I am wrong. I will happily eat 14 plates of crow if I am wrong on this one.


-- Anonymous, October 06, 2000

All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." - Thomas Paine

-- Anonymous, October 06, 2000

I wonder if Echelon is monitoring this forum?

-- Anonymous, October 06, 2000

One of very Godly women of the church said she had made up her mind to vote for Bush and proceeded to tell me why. No. One Because she cannot understand how a person could support Abortion. (2) How can I as a Christian vote for a person on a team like that who I know does not believe in Christ? hummmmmmm. Dah.

-- Anonymous, October 07, 2000


If 'Gore', and 'Bush' didn't make us pop up on their monitors, I'm sure 'Echelon' did.


-- Anonymous, October 07, 2000

What I didn't count on was for the democrats to hand out cigarettes to the homeless for their votes. Brings to mind the same old 'machine' politics of the 60s.

Oh, well, I knew I wouldn't get to eat those plates of crow.

-- Anonymous, November 06, 2000

Thank you, Lord. Bring on the plates of crow! Never have I been so thankful to be wrong.

-- Anonymous, November 08, 2000

Yes, I knew that before I went to bed at 4:30.

'Not my will, but Thine be done'.

-- Anonymous, November 08, 2000

Thought you might enjoy this:


-- Anonymous, November 10, 2000

How our screwy system works:

No matter who wins Florida, the Electoral College will vote in December. If Florida is not decided by the 18th, Florida's Electoral votes will not count, and the Electorates that have been decided will be the ones that will vote.

Even then, the Electorates do *not* have to vote the way their state went. Only 26 states make it against the law to do so, and even then, it's a misdemeanor. The candidates can lobby the Electorates to change their votes.

If there is a tie in the Electoral College, the vote goes to the House of Representatives. (The Senate will then decide the V.P.). If the House vote is tied, the Senate will vote. If the Senate also ties ...

Neither candidate wins, and the current Speaker of the House is sworn in as the next president.

-- Anonymous, November 12, 2000

Actually, John, it is pretty ingenious.

We are not really in difficulty BECAUSE we have the electoral college.

The electoral college makes it possible for small states to be given a representation.

If you want a really oppressive government, a pure democracy is a good candidate. The big city machines are the reason we conservatives have so little representation now.

They have been stealing elections this whole past century. And with their having their representative in every office or posiion of authority, they solidify their power.

One silver lining is that we will probably replace these machines which are used SO THAST THIS KIND OF THING CAN BE DONE. If Cook County, Chicago, has this kind of machine, and they had 120,000 errors of this kind THIS ELECTION you can be assured that they will not be replaced there wihout a fight.

I believe all things work together for good to those who are the called according to His purpose.

God must have some reason for allowing this.

-- Anonymous, November 12, 2000

I heard Hillary intends to introduce a bill in the next Congress to eliminate the Electoral College.

-- Anonymous, November 14, 2000

Perhaps we can suggest a Biblical solution to this stalemate of an election. Each side can appoint a champion and let them fight it out ala David & Goliath.

My suggestion - have the Republican champion (Charlton Heston) and the Democratic champion (Hillary Clinton) face off in a musket duel at 20 paces....... ;~)

Can't be no worse than letting the courts of "injustice" decide the winner. (by the way, do you know that the judge that denied the Republicans lawsuit yesterday was a Clinton appointee? - but it wasn't a "political" move.......yeah, right.)

"But let justice roll down like waters and Righteousness like an everflowing stream." Amos 5:24

-- Anonymous, November 14, 2000

All I can say is that Ralph Nader had better watch his back!

-- Anonymous, November 15, 2000

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