canning chocolate : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Can anyone give me advice for a friend on pressure canning a chocolate sauce. It would have butter and maybe some cream in it as well.
-- JC (, October 05, 2000
This isn't going to be much help :) Last year daughter and I did the cakes in jars. We also made sauces (lemon curd etc) to be used as iceings. Because true chocolate, cream, and butter can't be heated without seperating at the temps that pressure canning gets, you will end up with curdled, stringy or seperated chocolate after canning. Though one recipe that you use Baking Cocoa instead of true chocolate, with powedered sugar, could be called Chocolate Sauce, :( it was a horrible product that we didn't duplicate again, to us real candy lovers and bakers. Yesterdays new thread on cakes in jars might be worth your going through. Vicki
-- Vicki McGaugh (, October 06, 2000.