TmpgEnc "Motion search accruacy" setting? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Can anyone tell me how to determine to set the "motion search accruacy" in TmpgEnc? I have tried on "Normal", "High quality" & "Highest quality" mode, but the result is the same. It just wastes the time on higher quality.

I don't think the result on "Highest quality" is better the on "Normal".

My video (mpg1) is captured by Pinnacle MP10 at 3000K rate and then encoded by TmpgEnc to standard VCD format at 1150K rate.

-- Vincent (, October 04, 2000


When you capture MPEG-1 direct IBP by definition the contents of the B and P, which will determine the quality of playback among others, already exists, and TMPGenc merely re-encodes the stream to the lower bitrate you want. Motion estimation has already occured when you were capturing and the data thus so produced is merely passed on to your 1150kp/s output MPEG, which is why even if you change the setting for "motion search accuracy" quality remains the same. To really see the differences when you change the settings of this parameter you should try bonafide AVI for source files. Can't your MP10 capture AVI using some codec?? When you use AVI as source, TMPGenc has all the resources in the world to decide which bits stay and which bits get thrown out and when you change the setting from "normal" to "highest quality" you see real differences. There is no data existing from a previous IBP sequence that gets foisted on it when encoding as would be when you use MPEG-1 as source files. There are instances when MPEG has to be used as source files, but that is MPEG-2, and I-frame only, and captured by the appropriate h/w. The idea of Pinnacle with MP10 is that you capture straight to a White Book compliant file to author your VCD with right away. Re-encoding was never factored in there. Sadly, as with Dazzle, it's not as simple as that, quality-wise.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, October 05, 2000.

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