Burnt Mpeg File as cda audio track and it played fine!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I was just foolong around and burnt an image file as a cda track (winoncd 3.7pe x-mode1) and the movies played fine in my set-top player. Looked at the cd and it showed only 2 things on the entire disk. My 2 video files: track01.cda, and track02.cda. FWD and REV buttons worked as well. WEIRD! =o)

-- Billy, boy, boy, boy (kilingspam@aol.com), October 01, 2000


Well, VCD is basicly the same track format, just no header information on track 1.

-- eric (eric@nospam.snowmoon.com), October 01, 2000.

I am having a similar problem, my VCD appears as Track01.cda and Track02.cda and I cant play with any of the known players. Please help me with the software you used to play these files. I tried WMP 7, DivX player, VDP Player, VCD Power Player, Power DVD Player. Please help, respond to my mail address. Thanks

-- Azam Khan (aak_11@hotmail.com), May 04, 2003.

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