Need help replacing drain in wringer : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I recently bought one of the old wringer washers at a local flea market. Overall it is in excellent shape but the metal drain in it is corroded badly. Pieces of it came loose on my first load and lodged in the drain making it impossible to use the drain. I don't think I can get a replacement part for it so I need to rig something up. Any suggestions would be appreciated as this is my only method of cleaning clothes for 7 people unless I get out the old rub board. Thanks Amanda
-- Amanda Seley (, September 30, 2000
Since the wringer washing machines are still made, you may wish to contact Lehman's Hardare in Kidron, Ohio to see about what they recommend.
-- Notforprint (, September 30, 2000.
Since you don't have much to lose I would recommend taking the pump apart piece by piece to see if you can clear the blockage. If you can get it working again, use spray-on appliance enamel to coat the rusted areas.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, September 30, 2000.
Hey Ken - Do you think that spray on appliance enamel would work to re-coat a chipped and rusting canner so that it could be used to cook in, or would the paint be toxic when subjected to high heat even after it is cured?
-- Soni (, October 01, 2000.
Soni:I don't think appliance enamel is formulated to withstand high temperatures. Any auto parts store would have spray on enamel for engines, which is. Flat out don't know on the toxcity part.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, October 03, 2000.