I am still here. Gail in missouri (misc)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I want to thank those of you who have e-mailed me directly about where I have been. It seems that of late I have been spending as much time in the VA hosp in Columbia, Mo. as I have at home. Will be going back next week and then it looks like I will have to go to Kansas City VA hosp the middle of next month to see if I have to have back surgery or if I can get by without it. It also appears I may be having some other surgery too. It is so good to have the homestead to come home to and to turn on my electric back fence here on the forum to talk to my neighbors. thanks gail
-- gail missouri ozarks (gef123@hotmail.com), September 30, 2000
Hey, Gail!!! Glad you are back with us, but I know you were always here in spirit. Sorry about your back, I hope things work out OK.
-- Cathy Horn (hrnofplnty@webtv.net), September 30, 2000.
Hi Gail, I sure hope you get better quickly. Surgery isn't much fun at all! Let us know when you will be going in for that and we'll get a prayer chain going for you. God Bless!
-- Doreen (animalwaitress@yahoo.com), September 30, 2000.
Gail, howdy! I thought I hadn't seen too many of your posts lately...but then you know, folks have been busy! Back stuff...hmmm...hope you aren't in a lot of discomfort while you are dealing with this. Doreen's idea of a prayer chain is a good one. Stay in touch and keep us posted on your dates and how you feel! Nice to see your "face" across this electric fence!
-- sheepish (rborgo@gte.net), September 30, 2000.
We'll be thinking of you! Keep us informed, may God bless you and keep you safe during your travels!
-- Debbie T in N.C. (rdtyner@mindspring.com), September 30, 2000.
Yes, please let us know how you are getting along. Hope everything goes well for you. Count on me to pray, too.
-- Jean (schiszik@tbcnet.com), September 30, 2000.
Glad your home. I know second hand how those red tape mills can be.My father has been to VA spinal cord unit in Chicago and was always glad when he got "paroled".
-- Jay Blair (jayblair678@yahoo.com), September 30, 2000.