Canning : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I canned a bunch of pears several weeks ago and was very careful to make sure the jars had sealed before I moved them to the storeroom in the cellar. I went down to get some pears and I noticed that some of them have released their seals and the syrup has turned a milky white. Obviously I will throw those out but I was wondering what I might have done to cause this. I have never experienced a seal letting go once it has sealed. I was wondering if I filled them too high and therefore it wasn't enough air to make a strong enough vacuum to hold. Any ideas? I didn't lose them all, just a few.
-- Colleen (, September 29, 2000
Lucky you, Colleen, having your pears all canned. I am just picking mine. The only thing I can offer is that you did fill them too full. The lids should be heated, but not boiled, and make certain that the jar tops are wiped clean of any syrup that may have gotten on them while filling.
-- Hazel L. Mauger (, September 29, 2000.
I had the same thing happen with applesauce once. I think they were too full.
-- Cathy Horn (, September 29, 2000.
Either insufficient headspace and/or insufficient processing time/temperature. GL!
-- Brad (, October 04, 2000.