Manufacturer of canning machine that vacuums seals cans? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Some years ago, maybe in the whole earth catalog, this should date me adequatly, I saw an advertisment for a machine that you could have at home that would seal the top on metal cans, most sizes. I have been looking for that equipment lately, with no luck? Would you happen to know the manufacturer of this equipment and how I could contact them? Thankyou!

-- Dudley L. Berry (, September 29, 2000


Response to Trying to find the manufacturer of canning machine that vacuums and puts the top on metal cans. Haave seen advertisments before but never wrote them down. Can you help me? This is a portable piece of equipment. Thankyou!

Try the Cumberland General Store at 800-334-4640. Brand they carry is the Ives. The have both the can sealer and tin cans.

-- Ken S. in WC TN (, September 29, 2000.

Response to Trying to find the manufacturer of canning machine that vacuums and puts the top on metal cans. Haave seen advertisments before but never wrote them down. Can you help me? This is a portable piece of equipment. Thankyou!

Lehman's also carry them. A search of the web should bring up their store.

-- Tammy Hall (, September 29, 2000.

Response to Trying to find the manufacturer of canning machine that vacuums and puts the top on metal cans. Haave seen advertisments before but never wrote them down. Can you help me? This is a portable piece of equipment. Thankyou!

May I suggest that you peruse this web site showing all sorts of information on tincan canning. It looks thorough.

-- Notforprint (, September 29, 2000.

Response to Trying to find the manufacturer of canning machine that vacuums and puts the top on metal cans. Haave seen advertisments before but never wrote them down. Can you help me? This is a portable piece of equipment. Thankyou!

There terribly expencive $300.00 - $500.00 Try this- use regular glass jars and place 1 or 2 oxegine absorbers in each jar. Dirt cheap and you have that vacume you want.

-- george conklin (, December 03, 2000.

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