matching Genesis USRA 2-8-2circut board to MRC DCC decoder : LUSENET : Wiring for DCC : One Thread

The Athearn Genesis USRA 2-8-2 comes prewired to a mini printed cicuit board which can be removed to plug in "directly to a NMRA standard DCC socket" to install an MRC Command DCC decoder. Does this animal exist? Where can I find it?? Has anyone made this installation?

-- Bill Reck (, September 28, 2000


Response to matching Genesis USRA 2-8-2circ bd to MRC DDC decoder

Bill: Go to (Tony's Train Exchange) and you'll find a list of compatible decoders and other infop about this loco. Tony

-- Tony Bolthouse (, October 08, 2000.

Response to matching Genesis USRA 2-8-2circ bd to MRC DDC decoder

You can also save alot of headache and use the digitrax decoder. They work just fine with my MRC.

-- Doug Kill (, July 04, 2002.

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