See what Abby's ex looks like (**SPOILER**) : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread |
Click to this URL for the website of the actor (Mark Valley) who will be playing Abby's ex-husband.
-- T Lem (, September 28, 2000
I could not find it. it said it did not exist.
He looks familiar! Does anyone know what he has been in before?
-- amanda (, September 28, 2000.
Per, he's been in several movies, including THE NEXT BEST THING (with Madonna). It also says he was in Days of Our Lives a few years ago.
-- Diana (, September 28, 2000.
Try this link for Mark Valley.
-- (, September 28, 2000.
Maybe it is just me, but after looking at the picture of him, I would never put him and Abbey together. I remember that Abbey was after him for some money or something. Maybe he is a good looking guy who schmoozed Abbey to put him through Med School or something. You know, they met in school, she dropped out and became a nurse to pay his bills, he dumps her, she goes back to school?????
-- Kristi J (, October 05, 2000.