Making Wreaths(misc.) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I love wreaths. Here are the instructions for making two pretty ones.Herb Wreath: Needed: a plain straw wreath, hairpins or floral pins, fresh cut herbs, bows,etc. hairspray(opt.) Take bundles of fresh cut herbs, attach them to the straw wreath with the pins. Make the bundles extra big so when the herbs dry there won't be any gaps. You can decorate the wresth with bows or whatever. If you're not going to use the herbs for culinary or medicinal purposes, you can spray them. They will "shed" when they're dried.
Foxtail Wreath: Needed: a straw wreath, hairpins or floral pins, dried foxtails, bows, etc. hairspray (opt.). Take bundles of foxtail after a good hard freeze and attach them to the straw wreath with the pins. You can have them going in one direction or anywhich way. Spray the wreath heavily or you'll have seed everywhere forever. Decorate with bows, etc. I think one big bow looks great.
Do you have a favorite wreath and does any know how to make a pine cone wreath? Someone told me to soak the cones then put them in a wire wreath frame. When they dry, they expand and won't fall out. Is this so? Thanks
-- Cindy (, September 27, 2000
Cindy: When we lived in Washington state, and had access to lots of pinecones, I made several wreaths from them, but never heard of soaking them first. I still have one of them, but the cones are pretty floppy and loose now. Maybe that is the answer. Does anyone else soak them? They look nice if you can get different types of cones and glue or wire them into place. Different types of seed pods mixed in, or mixed nuts in the shells glued on here and there add a nice touch, also. Jan
-- Jan in Colorado (, September 27, 2000.
I can't remember if I have ever made a wreath out of pinecones, but I have decorated with them from time to time. A friend of mine bleached cones by soaking in a bleach/water solution...sorry don't have the ratio, but you could experiment. I also spray painted some cones a deep crimson, and then followed that with a very light spray of gold glitter...made some Christmas ornaments from it. Turned out quite pretty, although way too elegant for my little tree! Great gifts, though. Just wire a pretty ribbon into the bottom of the finished cone (the wired ribbons work well b/c they hold their shape) and you're done! I think they might look nice as a wreath also.
-- sheepish (, September 27, 2000.
I grew up in Maine, "The Pine Tree State", and as a child, we made wreaths with pine cones wired into a chicken wire frame. ( The greens and Pine cones just blended together nicely and did not come apart.) Hope this helps.
-- Carolyn Burke (, February 11, 2001.