Request for Visits to See Comparable Systems : LUSENET : Federal Information and Records Managers Council : One Thread

Hi All, Would all my respected colleagues, pls review the description below and forward it to someone in your agency who might be willing to have us visit to see one of your projects. We would like to have the benefit of your experience and lessons learned. To clarify 2 terms:

*"Regulated entities" are the corporations that the regulatory agencies regulate. (Is this solipsistic or what?) We regulate the financial safety and soundness of Freddie Mac and Fannie. OCC (Office of the Comptroller of the Currecy) regulates the banks.

*Our regulated entities send us quarterly "submittals" of "lotsa" data and documents. They now submit it on paper and on disks and tape. We spend "lotsa" time standardizing the data before putting it in the Data Warehouse.

Our project is to develop an electronic information system that would enable the agency to receive electronic submittals through a web-based VPN, with the data and documents tagged with XML tags, and the submitttals signed with some version of an E-sign, so that we can do minimal standardizing of data and post the entire submittals on our Intranet so that all authorized persons in our agency can work with the data and documents. We plan to comply with Information Systems Security, GPEA, Records Management, and other e-gov requirements. We would like to visit any agencies who are doing similar projects - even if they are doing one or another piece of our project. Would all my respected colleagues, pls review the above description and forward it to someone in your agency who might be willing to have us visit to see one of your projects. We would like to have the benefit of your experience and lessons learned. Thanks so much, Alice Gannon Records Management Officer 202-414-2791 -----Original Message----- From: Baum, Matthew [] Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2000 9:31 AM To: 'Gannon, Alice' Subject: RE: Request to Visit

Alice, I don't quite follow what your message is talking about. Electronic submittals for what exactly? and regulated agencies means?????

-- Anonymous, September 26, 2000

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