Recipe for Canned Tomato Soup : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Here is a good recipe for you to try. I've been canning this for years, & we love it. I've changed it to suit our taste, it was origianlly from the Kerr canning book, probably from the 80's. Here's my version.

14 guarts ripe tomatoes (my guess is about 3-4 gallons of cooked down tomato sauce) 7 medium onions 1 stalk celery 6 green peppers 1 bunch fresh basil 14 springs of parsley 2-4 hot peppers 1 tsp. garlic powder 3 bay leaves

Cook until celey is tender. Put through a sieve. Make a paste of these ingredients & thin with the hot soup: 1 cup flour 1/2 lb. butter 3 Tbsps. salt 1/2 cup sugar 2 tsp. pepper Add to boiling soup & stir constantly to avoid scorching. Fill sterilized jars to within 1 inch of top. Pocess in boiling water bath 45 minutes. p.s. I love to sprinkle on a little Greek Seasoning when I eat it, yum!

-- Jane Gauch (, September 25, 2000


Thanks, Jane! I can hardly wait to try this recipe - the previous one for juice was a big hit!

-- Cathy Horn (, September 26, 2000.

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