Can anyone send me some red winter wheat? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I just can't seem to find any winter wheat in my area although I know it can be grown here. I think that I live in an area that is too populated to have enough farms that want to grow wheat so they don't stock it. I have driven all over the place and think that I am just wasting gas money when I could spend it on someone sending me some instead.I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share some of theirs with me. I'm only looking for about five pounds. I would pay for the wheat and the postage.
If anyone can do that, I would greatly appreciate it. I want to grow some not only for trying grinding but also because we raise dried flowers and make arrangements and I would like to have some wheat for putting in these arrangements next year.
Please contact me privately by e-mail and I will send you my address.
-- Colleen (, September 25, 2000
Colleen, did you try a health food store? They usually have some in stock. Also try a feed store and tell them what you want to do with it. I live in Utah and if you can't find let, e-mail me or leave a note here and i will send you some of mine. Where are you at? If you live near an LDS cannery they will sell it to you in a 50 pound bag or if they have a can around they will sell that to you. Prices are not bad there. lynne
-- lynne (, September 25, 2000.
The Cheese Shoppe in Staunton, Va has all you want, Colleen. It's the Mennonite Farm Cooprative store. Everything you could ever want is there. Red Wheat--100 lbs is 18 dollars. I assume that's an hour drive for you. But is you only want 5 lbs they have it by the pound also--I think ? They have many barrels of bag your own supplies--the place is a dream world for homesteaders ! If you can't make the trip, I have 200 lbs or more.
-- Joel Rosen (, September 25, 2000.
Gee Colleen, wish you were a lot closer! I have around 750 lbs here that might take me a while to grind, bake and eat! Good thing it's stored in mylar bags inside of plastic buckets. Short of nuclear annihilation (and it might even survive that! LOL) I think it'll probably last a while....Whatever was I thinking??? y2k!! Yikes...
-- sheepish (, September 25, 2000.
Colleen: Send me your mailing address and I will ship some off to you. I still have about 40 pounds left. Jan in Colorado
-- Jan in Colorado (, September 25, 2000.
As usual, Joel came through with a great solution for me. Not only will I get the wheat, but I was planning a trip out past Staunton to go to a great discount bookfair and one of the quilt shops we were planning to stop in is in Staunton. Since I will be going there on Columbus Day weekend, I have decided to get my wheat there so noone has to bother with sending me some. And an added bonus is that it sounds like it is going to be a wonderful place to visit as well. But thank you all for your generous offers to my request. Next time I should just post all my questions privately to Joel since he always comes up with good answers for me. LOL
-- Colleen (, September 25, 2000.
Directions to The Cheese Shoppe--for any Virginians or wayfaring homesteaders. First should my memory fail me a little, here's the phone number 540-337-4224. The actual town is Stuarts Draft--not really a town at all so we call it Staunton. Off Interstate I-81 take Exit 217 that is route 654 go north bound till you hit route 340 and go left to the second light(downtown Stuarts Draft) Take a left on Route 608 west and they are one mile on the right. Very good looking white building nice big sign ! Hours are Mon thru Fri 9 to 5:30 Sat 9 to 5 This is a Paradise for Homesteaders so enjoy !
-- Joel Rosen (, September 26, 2000.