Repost of "Poor Fat DJO" thread (w/o shapes) : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

Is Poor Fat DJO still "sore" about this Love Fest over him? : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dennis Olson - still a pathetic Tinfoil... : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

One of the ugliest guys to participate in the Y2K debate before rollover was someone named Dennis olson Those of us that have "insurance" just have to pick you people off before you break in to our homes. Outside of THAT, we'll just sit back and watch you people die off. Dennis Olson, July 1999

Ol' Dennis is over at sleazyboard still feeling smug about his "preps" Wonder if he's satisfied his desire to kill someone yet...

"For about 1/2 hour, the power was out all over the area. We, the neighborhood "Y2K nutz", had power of course. Yeah, it was tough walking down the basement stairs and flipping the start switch.

That 20kW genny purred to life, and we settled back in to watch a movie. I did go outside (we had the porch lights on) to watch the neighbors staring out their candle-lit windows, evidently hypnotized by the brilliant white lights on the front of our house.


-- Y2K Pro (, April 07, 2000

Answers Dennis bragged early and often about how much money he spent on Y2K. I think the final bill came to $20,000 and one job (his contract job ended suddenly after the Y2K publicity). So $20,000 real dollars + hypothetical money he might have made on that contract, divided by 30 minutes of gloating...

Doesn't sound like ol' Dennis is very good with a buck.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, April 07, 2000.


Where is "sleazyboard"?

-- Buster (, April 07, 2000.


Hey Pro, Still working at Burger King??? Or was it Mc Donald's?


watchin' the jealousy,

The Dog

-- The Dog (, April 07, 2000.


Hey doggie: Still feeling badly about being completely and totally wrong about Y2K? I know you got a big ass, but what DID you do with all that toilet paper?

-- Y2K Pro (, April 07, 2000.


Isnt Dennis Olson the same freak that was trying to peddle off a baby on the Internet? I saw this fool on TV and what a mess. This guy is so fat he could live off himself for a year or so. His family must be so proud of him.

-- Ra (tion@l.1), April 07, 2000.



-- liu (, April 07, 2000.


I rest my case. The New Debunkies House o' Trolls. All ad hominem personal attacks welcomed. No insult too big, no cutdown too small. No nasty, vile filth-laden attack refused. Come one! Come all!

"Kick 'em when they're up... kick 'em when they're down..."

Thanks folks! I knew you'd prove me right!

-- Yeah Right (Ahhhh@haaa.haaa.haaa), April 07, 2000.


Ra, in regards to Dennis and the was another forum regular trying to find y2k adoptive parents for an unborn baby (due in December I think),..the teenage mother was going to put the child up for adoption anyhow, but wanted someone who was prepared. All Dennis did was take in the baby AND it's mother to his home, in hopes of helping her through a difficult time. He did something commendable in my opinion. Dennis had a gung-ho attitude on y2k horrors, and I think he was having fun with the scenarios..I don't know how literally he meant anyone to take those comments. His actions, in the case of the young lady and her child, speak much more about his character than his words.

-- kritter (, April 07, 2000.


As one among many who were actually threatened with physical violance by Dennis Olson on numerous occasions, I reserve the right to laugh at him now. I'm sorry if you think that's cruel and/or petty. Regarding the Y2K baby, I don't think Dennis did a bad thing, however, I do think he did the wrong thing. Dennis was very defiant that there was no need for any type of public or private adoption involvement, and that the baby was safe, but the facts don't support that. Dennis himself threatened to shoot any child protective services people who came to check on the minor mother and her son. The grandmother wanted to arrange a blackmarket adoption based on how much the prospective family had prepped, as opposed to who could give the child a good, safe, home. In a normal adoption, whether private or public, there are extensive background checks and follow-ups performed on the adoptive family, to ensure that the child is safe and well cared-for. This is part of the reason legitimate adoptions take so long. The grandmother wanted to find a family to take the baby in under seven days, and the only thing she was concerned with was how much toilet paper and MRE's the family had stashed away.

The birth mother had an open adoption already arranged, which the grandmother called off because she felt the family wasn't prepped well enough. I've thought a lot about that mother in the last few months. Where is she now? Is she safe? Was the grandmother really concerned about the safety of the child, or was she more concerned in just stashing the kid somewhere? Heck, maybe she just sold the baby on the underground market, which is certainly not unheard of in cases like these.

All I know for sure is that last xmas, a woman came on to the original Time Bomb board and offered up another woman's baby for adoption to strangers, based on how much they had prepped for Y2K. Eventually, she sent the minor mother and newborn to live with a man who threatened to shoot anyone who came to check on the health and welfare of this family. I think this situation, more than any other, underscores the hysteria and desperation surrounding Y2K at the end of last year.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, April 07, 2000.


I predict Y2KPro will be the next Jeffrey Dahmer type that we'll read about in the news. He's going to seek out everyone he thinks is a tinfoil, and do something even stranger than cutting off their heads and putting them in the refrigerator.

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), April 07, 2000.


y2kpro - grow up for fucks sake

-- richard (, April 07, 2000.


So Hawk, you believe that I will become a mass-murderer simply because I choose to point out the ugliness of the Doom movement? Even for you, aircraft crash investigator (snicker) that's quite a leap in logic...

-- Y2K Pro (, April 07, 2000.


After reading the most reliable sources of info I could find last year...I concluded that Y2K was a much greater potential threat to my family than Dennis Olson. ;-)

-- (Forgive@your.enemies), April 07, 2000.


I remember when Dennis first thought about buying a generator. Several of us tried to talk him out of buying such an expensive one, but Dennis has "champagne" tastes and had the money at the time to invest. In addition, he had future plans of a home in the country where electricity is less reliable, so didn't feel his money wasted. I don't care what other folks do with their money. My tastes tend more toward the "beer" side, and I must confess that when I bought an oil lamp in 1998 I was pretty excited when the lights went out so I could use it. I think Dennis felt this same excitement. Yeah, I do think he bragged a bit in his "flashy" display of power to his neighbors, but some of those neighbors gave him a lot of shit when they saw contractors at work on things at his house. I think one even called the City and sent someone out to check on what he was up to. I know someone threatened him and his family after seeing the newspaper article on his preparations.

As for his status as a card-carrying "tinfoil", I think he's made it clear that he enjoys a prepared lifestyle, and has developed even stronger opinions regarding government, etc. since his Y2k research began. His choice of posting media indicate his desire to associate with folks who share his beliefs, but I haven't seen him try to choke his beliefs down MY throat, and I doubt there's ONE thing on which we agree.

-- Anita (, April 07, 2000.


Old Y2K Pro is still as arrogant as ever. Since all of us think he is a big asshole, why does he still come here? Most likely his kids and wife also think he is a big asshole. He's got nowhere to turn, but to his computer and hassle all of us here. It is very sad to live in a world where everybody thinks you're a big asshole. I hope that when he dies, they will send him where all the other assholes go!

-- ... (, April 07, 2000.


Dennis Olson may have his problems but his post is not the story. From him saying "Hey, my generator finally paid off" he got numerous responses about steel shutters with gun ports and how he should still be prepared to pick of the neighbors. Even Chuck still seems to believe that you have to be ready for this type of gunplay. There are a lot scarier people over there than Dennis Olson.

-- Jim Cooke (, April 07, 2000.


---@---: Lots of folks are arrogant. There was a good deal of arrogance displayed last year by folks who were SURE that things would go very wrong at rollover. Now, regarding your "Since all of us think he is a big asshole, why does he still come here?" statement, I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't include ME in "all of us." I've read Y2k Pro's stuff on the old forum dating back quite a while. I also chatted with him in Bok's room. I do NOT think he's an asshole. He has a zealous interest in pointing out what people have said/are still saying, but a lot of people DID say some pretty scary things. In addition, Y2kPro was accused of things he never did.

-- Anita (, April 07, 2000.


Yeah right said: I rest my case. The New Debunkies House o' Trolls. All ad hominem personal attacks welcomed. No insult too big, no cutdown too small. No nasty, vile filth-laden attack refused. Come one! Come all!

"Kick 'em when they're up... kick 'em when they're down..."

Thanks folks! I knew you'd prove me right!

Oh-and I suppose that there are no trolls or any attacks of this kind on the sleazyboard? On this thread: topic

read the responses(those who would dare lurk at the other board) to Samantha Kane, and how these idiots categorically attack what they see as welfare mothers, and the overt rascism with which they view the world.

Hey, Yeah right, What exactly have we proved on this board? That human nature is human nature? If you are saying there is more decorum (do you knw what that means?) on the sleazyboard, then you better take off them rose-colored glasses.

-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), April 07, 2000.


Personally .@. I think YOU are the asshole, not Y2K Pro, who has been proven to be right on every issue hes been commenting on. Also, I would guess that the majority of participants to this forum would agree. Your comments are more aligned with the EZ board zombies so do not expect any kid glove treatment here.

-- Sifting (through@the.rubble), April 07, 2000.


Subject: Re: We lost power this evening Posted By: zog (Local user) Posted At: 4/6/00 10:37:13 pm From IP: Reply ---I suggest you invest in steel shutters and steel doors. And any other little tricks you can come up with. Sprinkler system on the roof is nice, with it's own independent water supply, for another example. Hardened small firing ports disguised as some sort of exterior ornamentation. --by the way, good for you being a prepper, I'm not being a wiseacre by any means, now, just don't stop prepping. Once the fertilizer interacts with the impeller sometime, you will be a prime neighborhood target, just reality.

this guy is another Eric Rudolph wannabe

-- response to a 1/2 hour power outage (, April 07, 2000.


Future: I think there was an extra space in that link. Is this the one?


The steel reinforcements with the "arrow slits" were suggested by Zog. You'd have to know more about Zog prior to Y2k to appreciate the guy. He's been a survivalist for over 20 years. Y2k wasn't an impetus for him. He's bound to throw in opinions from HIS viewpoint, and if folks want to become survivalists, Zog's the guy who can give information. Survivalists don't scare me. Their lifestyle may be an alternative one, but I haven't seen anything to indicate that Zog would just arbitrarily kill someone passing by his reinforced home. If he feels it necessary to have that sortof comfort level, he should have it.

Personally, I think we're ALL a bit daft, but in different ways. My daughter has an acquaintance who sometimes associates with her group of friends. She says he's really nice, but on occasion his eyes bug out and that gives everyone the creeps. [grin] Whenever she talks about him I think back to the serial killers and mass murderers. Folks interviewed ALWAYS said, "He was a nice guy...never bothered anyone." I wonder if anyone ever noticed whether their eyes bugged out on occasion.

-- Anita (, April 07, 2000.


off off

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), April 07, 2000.


Off italics off italics. I hate following someone who hasn't closed their tags.

-- Anita (, April 07, 2000.


How do you feel about following someone who already closed them?

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), April 07, 2000.


Hmmm: We worked on it at the same time. You were just faster in hitting the submit button. I wouldn't want to meet up with ya on Jeopardy.

Thanks. My efforts were redundant. Had I only known............

-- Anita (, April 07, 2000.


Let me get this straight..."yeah right" says its y2kpro who is "proving its points"? D.O. was the one who spewed vile crap, pro is just pointing it out.

You got yer tinfoil cap on too tight, son.

-- (pathetic@doomer.loser), April 07, 2000.


"I hope that when he dies, they will send him where all the other assholes go! " Just as long as it's not the place Andy and INVAR went to...

-- Y2K Pro (, April 07, 2000.


"So Hawk, you believe that I will become a mass-murderer simply because I choose to point out the ugliness of the Doom movement? " What ugliness? Dennis is talking about self-defense you retard, not killing innocent people. Why do you trolls always have to take the truth and twist it around into your warped lies?

"Even for you, aircraft crash investigator (snicker) that's quite a leap in logic...

-- Y2K Pro (, April 07, 2000."

Snickering about my theory of what happened to Flight 261? What does that have to do with the subject of your post... kinda childish don't ya think?

I've yet to hear a reasonable explanation of what caused the accident, even the NTSB has not made a conclusive statement. If you're so fricking smart, why don't you tell us what happened dipshit? Oh, that's right, you're going to trust Alaska Airlines and the government to tell you the truth, 5 years from now. Yeah, right! (snicker) :-)

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), April 07, 2000.


p.s. The thing that reminds me of Jeffrey Dahmer and serial killer types is your obvious obsession with this delusion you have that certain people are "tinfoils". It's extremely strange the way you seem to be hung up on that obsession. I can picture you walking down the streets with a sandwich board saying "The tinfoils are coming to get us", yelling incoherent obscenities the whole way!! LOL!! You are indeed VERY disturbed.

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), April 07, 2000.


Don't forget the spittle spraying from the corners of Pro's mouth and his bulging eyes, or the insane CPR (Chief Polly Reactionary), armed to the teeth, and taking names of tinfoils for "prosecution" (probably with extreme prejudice). A great bunch of people here. (NOT)

-- Yeah Right (Ahhhh@haaa.haaa.haaa), April 07, 2000.


You know Hawk, if I were you, I don't think I would bring up the unfortunate matter of flight 261. I believe everyone except for yourself and your many pseudonyms thought you were a raving idiot when you made those claims. In fact, it made you sound like more of dullard than you really are. An accomplishment of some merit in itself, IMHO.

-- Larry Lurker (, April 07, 2000.


Kiss my ass Larry Lurker!! Many "psuedonyms"???? You mean the ones that Mickey falsely accused me of posting? Nice try asshole, there are a lot of people that believe in my theory and are fed up with ignorant dipshits like you. Since you're so fricking smart, let's hear it!! Come on, what's your explanation for the cause of that crash? Just like all you ignorant jerkoffs, you've got real big mouths but nothing to back it up. Fuckin wussy.

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), April 07, 2000.


So who is this Mickey and where are the threads which he accused you of posting under a psuedonym? No, a request for the sysop to look at your ISP is not an accusation. Looks like Larry Lurker is also skeptical that anyone would believe your nonsense. As far as reasonable explanations for the crash of AS261, you won't accept any. However any unreasonable theories are OK for you as long as they include a Y2k bug. The NTSB is more cautious about making conclusive statements before the facts are in, but you're not so hampered (although is seems that you are hampstered).

-- Mikey2k (, April 07, 2000.


fuckpissshitfuckfuckdickwadshitheadbitchfuckshitpiss.................. .....

-- Idontwanttogrowup (hawk@toysrus.kid), April 07, 2000.


Hello all... Just to update you on the status of mother and baby. Both are doing well - healthy, happy, and together. Thanks to the kindness of Dennis and his family, the young mother made it through a very difficult time. She is back with her family now and the grandmother is a very proud one.

There were many people that helped Dennis help this family, and if he hadn't posted it for so many people to see, there is no telling what would have happened to the baby and his Mother.

I, for one, am glad that he did what he did. It just goes to show what human kindness and compassion can do. It certainly turned the lives of these two people from a possible disaster into a beautiful miracle.

In my mind, it doesn't get any better than that.

What have you done for your fellow man today?

-- LZach (, April 07, 2000.


ROTFL!! "fuckpissshitfuckfuckdickwadshitheadbitchfuckshitpiss.............. .... .....

-- Idontwanttogrowup (hawk@toysrus.kid), April 07, 2000."

Just another example of the hypocrisy on this forum... "Larry Lurker" using pseudonyms and accusing ME of using them! Amazing.

Mickey, wow you sure popped in there very quickly! Been lurking and posting using other names have you? That figures for someone with no balls, asking the sysop to check my ISP while you've been trolling under other names. Speaking of no balls, when are you gonna put your money where your fat childish mouth is and tell all of us what caused the crash? :-)

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), April 07, 2000.


Can't we all just get along??? lol... One thing I have noticed in life, is that pushed enough, almost anyone can be "moved" to utter something like "asshole." But the people who are quickest to use the term, are ususally the most indicative of it...

-- FactFinder (, April 07, 2000.


Hawker, you sure have psuedonyms on the brain. Could it be ... oh nevermind. No, I have not been posting under other names. As far as my opinions about AS261, they have been posted on the predecessor board -- but you were ignoring me, right? If you stop playihg with yourself while watching the hampsters do it you should be able to find it quickly.

-- Mikey2k (, April 07, 2000.


"One thing I have noticed in life, is that pushed enough, almost anyone can be "moved" to utter something like "asshole." But the people who are quickest to use the term, are ususally the most indicative of it..." That would make life a lot easier if that were the case, but unfortunately it isn't quite that simple. If that were true, the government could just take all of the people who say "asshole" and lock them up until they get better (not that they aren't trying!).

In reality, the people who are doing the "pushing" are the real problem, and the person who gets so frustrated that they call them an "asshole" is being very honest, relying on instincts, which speak truthfully.

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), April 07, 2000.


Mickey, "If you stop playihg with yourself while watching the hampsters do it you should be able to find it quickly."

LOL!! Very mature! And you actually wonder why I ignored you?? :-)

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), April 07, 2000.


Anita and LisaZ...good posts. Further, just who do you suppose went to some trouble to make sure that Dennis lost his contract job? They couldn't help bragging about it after they did it, either. Very nice group of folks.

-- (.y.@y.yyy), April 07, 2000.


Yawn. Can't find a new target eh Pro? Well, I always liked history once or twice or thrice, but.

-- Carlos (, April 08, 2000.


So Y2K Pro is doing this crap again I see. How long before we start seeing the infamous list of "evil doomer quotes" over and over, day after day, again and again??? Give it up Pro. Nobody gives a shit.

Get a freaking life!


-- Sysman (, April 08, 2000.


y: I remember Deb M. posting something implicating that the Debunkers had something to do with Dennis losing his contract. I reviewed both what was said on Debunkers and the accusations made, and found absolutely NO evidence to indicate that they were involved.

The folks at the client location wherein Dennis was contracting had seen a local newspaper article about Dennis and his "involvement" in Y2k. At the time, he'd taken some time off to be with his family for the CDC, but it seems someone at the office notified him that this article was the "gossip of the day." It's unclear whether the news article was the reason Dennis was let go, but until you show a post wherein someone actually stated that they notified Dennis' client, you're making false accusations in your statement.

-- Anita (, April 08, 2000.


Squawk No, I don't have any theories on the Alaska airlines crash. That is because I have no experience as an NTSB investigator. I have not listened to the black box tapes. I have not viewed the wreckage or the crash site. I have not looked at any relevant data, nor do I have any education in the field.

Since you are making the claim about a cover-up, perhaps you can cite your educational and practical experience as a crash investigator. How many other crashes did you have hands-on experience investigating before postulating your theory on 261? How long were you in the employ of the NTSB? Perhaps you received training and experience outside the country?

Surely if you have no experience, you cannot suggest that anyone credible can provide anything of value based simply by being on the Internet? Can you?

-- Larry Lurker (, April 08, 2000.


Larry, your argument won't wash with Hawk. He believes that in order to truly understand the causes of the crash of AS261, you must have no aviation experience and no knowledge of the facts. On this basis, he considers himself the most qualified to determine the cause. This is consistent with his judgement of other's maturity. That is to say that those with no maturity are best qualified to judge that of others. Just for the record Hawk, my 5-year-old nephew is better qualified than you to judge other's maturity.

-- Mikey2k (, April 08, 2000.


I can't decide if this is "Pro", CPR, Decker, Poole, or just the new site's poster boy. But one things for sure, it certainly is your mascot, here on the New DeBunkies.

-- Yeah Right (Ahhhh@haaa.haaa.haaa), April 08, 2000.


That's definitely Pro. See that deranged look in his face? See the way he is trying to squeeze back into the corner away from what he is looking at? That's because he thinks he sees a "tinfoil". He is scared to death and ready to lash out if the tinfoil comes any closer.

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), April 08, 2000.


Looks to me like Hawk is avoiding the questions about his aviation expertise. So hawk, do you have any real experience in assessing airplane crashes or are you simply another rude man full of hot air?

-- savage (, April 08, 2000.


"savage joe", I am simply another rude man full of hot air. What's your excuse?

All of my theory is laid out in exquisite detail in the archives. I've yet to see even an attempt at an explanation by all of the spineless, brainless, bigmouth cowards such as yourself. Good day.

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), April 08, 2000.


...perhaps because you are the only crash expert on this board? By the way, did I miss you providing your educational and experiential qualifications in this regard? Snicker...

-- Y2K Pro (, April 08, 2000.


Why don't you folks stop attacking Hawk and take exception with the specifics of his analysis that you don't like. Trolls attack the person. People with integrity question/discuss ideas and facts.

-- U.R. Conscience (conscience@trollsr.losers), April 08, 2000.


Sysman: Nice to hear from you, although I still can't believe you're still defending the indefensible (Olson and the rest of the evil-doers). Big *sigh*... As for the "evil doomer quotes", there is no need for me to post them more than once here - this is a board where thoughts and ideas are not censored. Do you remember what that is like?

I'm sure you're happier on the sleazyboard, where discussion is not based on the thrust and parry of the intellectual saber, but rather how many "gun ports" are needed in the modern Tinfoil household.



-- Y2K Pro (, April 08, 2000.


-- U.R. Conscience = Hawk

-- Watching (, April 08, 2000.


Boy Pro, you sure are stupid! Yes, you did miss the thread when I listed my qualifications when asked by Dan the Power Man. In case you are too incompetent to find it (without a doubt), I also answered "Savage Joe" directly above in this thread... "I am simply another rude man full of hot air. What's your excuse?" So which is it... do you have a problem with someone proposing a possible explanation, or are you just so brain dead that you prefer to be led around on a leash by what the government is willing to feed you? Probably both of the above!

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), April 08, 2000.


"U.R. Conscience = Hawk" NOT!! Ask OTFR dipshit, and please, ask the good Lord to give you a brain.

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), April 08, 2000.


Translation Hawk-speak into English, I have no qualifications whatsoever in regards to investigating aircaft crashes. My only skills, are using the word "fuck" as a noun, verb, adverb, indefinite pronoun, and an adjective. I do have many theories about many things though - is that a qualification?

-- Y2K Pro (, April 08, 2000.


And Y2KPro has no education, skills, or qualifications whatsoever with the exception of making greasy fries at Burger King, popping his zits onto his computer monitor, and picking his nose and eating the boogers. That's why the only thing he is capable of is unfounded and non-constructive criticism of anyone who is more intelligent than him, which is the entire human population, who he imagines as "tinfoils" in his paranoid delusions that they are somehow threatening to him. Nice picture there, by the way. LOL!!!

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), April 08, 2000.


Mr Hawk You are not the brightest of men, are you? Best regards,

-- Granny Grammar (, April 08, 2000.


Granny, No, I'm not, never said I was. Are you?

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), April 08, 2000.


Just a touch of whimsy to this otherwise serious discussion of Hawk's attributes. Do a search for Dennis Olson in WI, ND and MN. Use a good search engine. It is like searching for John Smith in NYC. Best wishes,,,

-- Z1X4Y7 (, April 08, 2000.


Hawk- That's really disgusting. Must you speak like that? LOL


-- Debra (nowican', April 08, 2000.


Geez Hawk -- keep opening your mouth and you remove all doubt that you truly are an asshole :-)

-- (, April 08, 2000.


Lol Debra! Yes, I must, it's the only way to describe Y2KPro, although that picture does a pretty good job. Can you picture that thing sitting at a computer picking his nose?! dommerstomper, just think of me as a mirror. When someone acts like an asshole, they see an asshole, because I am a reflecting themselves. Do you understand the way it works yet, asshole?

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), April 08, 2000.


A gentleman walks up to the bar, orders a drink, and declares Hawk Is An Asshole! Guy at the end of the bar says, hey, I take offence to that.

Bartender says, Oh, are you Hawk?

Guy says, No, Im an asshole.

-- Ra (tion@l.1), April 08, 2000.


oh gawd Hawk - pahleez. I take that back -- you must be a fucking asshole. Get it? gerbils anyone?

-- (, April 08, 2000.


I'm very disgusted by the comment about Dennis' weight. Shame on you.

-- cin (cinloo@aol.corn), April 08, 2000.


You tell him cin!! Don't let Ra bother you though, he always says mean things like that, because he's just a worthless fuckwad piece of shit.

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), April 08, 2000.


Anita S., You said, "I remember Deb M. posting something implicating that the Debunkers had something to do with Dennis losing his contract. I reviewed both what was said on Debunkers and the accusations made, and found absolutely NO evidence to indicate that they were involved."

That is an interesting comment you made, given that I didn't mention the Debunkers. ;-)

You said, "...until you show a post wherein someone actually stated that they notified Dennis' client, you're making false accusations in your statement."

To be precise, I would be making an unsubstantiated accusation, but not necessarily a false one. Since I've named no names, it could hardly be a false accusation. It will, however, remain unsubstantiated. I do not reveal my sources. They, in return, do not make phone calls to my employer. As previously said, a real nice group of folks. Believe it.......or not.

-- (.y.@y.yyy), April 08, 2000.


Great retort, y. If I knew how to put in an accent mark, I'd say touche.

-- Anita (, April 08, 2000.


Dennis the Tinfoil is miffed we're airing out his dirty laundry over here. Says "if any of them ever show up at my door, I hope their life insurance is paid-up." Imagine, being killed simply because you rang someones doorbell...

-- Y2K Pro (, April 08, 2000.


Why would Dennis Olson be concerned about anybody tracking him down? For Petes sake this clown was on TV right after the rollover and it would be public knowledge where he lived. Didnt any of you folks see this fool? If you had there would be no question in your minds as to why he was fired from his consultant contract. Like our resident pussy boy Hawk, Dennis likes to threaten people on the net but the first slap up side the head would have him on the floor whining for mercy. Cin, sorry you were so easily offended. Ill take it back, hes not fat just obese.

-- Ra (tion@l.1), April 08, 2000.


Tarzan, I don't agree with everything that Dennis or the prospective grandmother did, but I do notice a few inaccuracies in your recounting of the tale, at least according to what I have read about it. You say that The grandmother wanted to arrange a blackmarket adoption based on how much the prospective family had prepped, as opposed to who could give the child a good, safe, home.

Actually, they had attempted to arrange a standard adoption through usual channels. I don't recall seeing that the baby would be shipped to the preppiest family, sight unseen.

Tarzan again: In a normal adoption, whether private or public, there are extensive background checks and follow-ups performed on the adoptive family, to ensure that the child is safe and well cared-for.

I vaguely recall that their intent was to allow for a legal adoption as soon as possible after the rollover. Presumably, if the acceptable-to-mama family were a good match they would receive preferential treatment in the adoption system.

Tarzan again: The grandmother wanted to find a family to take the baby in under seven days...

She believed she was working under a strict deadline.

...and the only thing she was concerned with was how much toilet paper and MRE's the family had stashed away.

She did not say this. She was looking for people who had diapers and baby food.

The birth mother had an open adoption already arranged, which the grandmother called off...

I heard nothing about the expectant mother being upset with the grandmother about this.

...because she felt the family wasn't prepped well enough. It was not that they hadn't prepared "well enough," but that they had not prepared at all, and more importantly, that the prospective adoptive parents had assured the birth family that they had prepared. Even though they understood how important it was to the birth mother and her family, they lied about it.

Tarzan: Heck, maybe she just sold the baby on the underground market, which is certainly not unheard of in cases like these.

As far as I'm aware, they never asked for any money. Continual accusations that the baby was hawked on the black market are unfair, unless you have access to more information than was available on the greenspun threads of late last year.

-- Dancr (addy.available@my.webpage), April 09, 2000.


Dennis said: "if any of them ever show up at my door, I hope their life insurance is paid-up."

Y2K Pro said:

"Imagine, being killed simply because you rang someones doorbell... "

I say:

Y2K Pro is completely justified in his criticism of Dennis' behavior and threats.

-- Debra (mailto:won', April 09, 2000.


I have no clue how to start the italics and even less how to turn them off!

-- Debra (??@??.com), April 09, 2000.


off off off Let's see if that helped.

-- Anita (, April 09, 2000.


Thank you Anita

-- Debra (, April 09, 2000.


I see that over on sleazyboard, anyone questioning Olson has now been deleted. His comments about killing people for simply "showing up" at his door remains - of course. I wonder when they're going to start distributing the virtual brown shirts over there...

-- Y2K Pro (, April 09, 2000.


Dancr appears to be in error on several points. I'd like to raise them for further discussion -- Dancr>>You say that The grandmother wanted to arrange a blackmarket adoption based on how much the prospective family had prepped, as opposed to who could give the child a good, safe, home. Actually, they had attempted to arrange a standard adoption through usual channels. I don't recall seeing that the baby would be shipped to the preppiest family, sight unseen.

Just so we're all on the same side of the law here, Dancr, "attempted to arrange a standard adoption through usual channels" does not justify or defend someone who later circumvents those channels. You do the adoption legally, through channels, or you do not do it at all. I'm sorry the family in question was not comfortable with those laws and regulations, but that does not pardon or excuse what they apparently tried to do.

Dancr>>I vaguely recall that their intent was to allow for a legal adoption as soon as possible after the rollover.

Does not matter. The Y2K beliefs, fears and/or concerns of the family have no impact whatsoever on this point of the law. There's a simple question of law here; did the family attempt to circumvent the adoption process or not?

Tarzan>> The grandmother wanted to find a family to take the baby in under seven days...

Dancr>> She believed she was working under a strict deadline.

Doesn't matter. You perform adoptions within channels or you do not perform them at all. This "believed" deadline has no impact on the law whatsoever. What part of that don't you understand?

Dancr>> She was looking for people who had diapers and baby food.

Who would adopt a child who did not have these things? You raise a non-starter, Dancr.

Tarzan>> The birth mother had an open adoption already arranged, which the grandmother called off...

Dancr>> I heard nothing about the expectant mother being upset with the grandmother about this.

Called off in order to commence an illegal adoption? This might be admissible as evidence that the mother was an accessory. Further, did the mother ever come online to tell us what she thought? Or are you closer to this matter than you let on, Dancr?

Dancr>> ...because she felt the family wasn't prepped well enough.

That simply does not enter into the legal argument.

Dancr>> It was not that they hadn't prepared "well enough," but that they had not prepared at all, and more importantly, that the prospective adoptive parents had assured the birth family that they had prepared.

In retrospect, it seems perfectly apparent that the prospective adoptive family *had* prepared sufficiently, doesn't it?

Dancr>> Even though they understood how important it was to the birth mother and her family, they lied about it.

Apparently not, given the observation I made immediately above. Seems that the prospective adoptive family *was* prepared for Y2K, doesn't it? A lie is not constituted simply because that family's *perceptions* of sufficient Y2K preparations differed from those of the mother's family.

It may actually be that the prospective adoptive family lied about the amount of foodstuffs and toiletries they had stockpiled. This may be the point you are clumsily trying to make, Dancr. However, even if they had, that in no way invalidates them as acceptable parents. If a potential adoptee's parents have unusual beliefs, prospective adopters need not prove adherence to those beliefs in order to qualify to adopt the child. Those beliefs CAN be taken into account in some circumstances and in some jurisdictions, but I am aware of no legal imperative to ensure that adoptive infants and adoptive parents come from similar backgrounds with similar beliefs.

-- Sal Monella (, April 09, 2000.


Pro, that is a lie, and you know it. The original thread is completely intact. For those that may have an interest in the REAL thread (as opposed to pro's lies), here's the LINK.

But, here on the New DeBunkie board, I can see where folks wouldn't want to read it for themselves. This board reminds me of an inbred family. Genetically mutant, and mentally deficient, and emotionally crippled.

-- Yeah Right (Ahhhh@haaa.haaa.haaa), April 09, 2000.


-- Yeah Right = Olson? I have witnessed someone named "bunkerboy" get deleted on that thread TWICE when he challenged Olson's appalling statement.

-- Savage (, April 09, 2000.


Dennis Actually, you're so popular over here on TB2K Uncensored that I didn't even know you existed. There seems to me to be a dearth of posts and little concern over here regarding yourself, as far as I can discern.

No one over here is "tracking you", "out to get you" or otherwise paying you any attention except for this current thread. As far as people here being concerned about you "insulting their intelligence", quit deluding yourself.

Apparently you must have said some things in the past that implied you are eager to start killing people if you perceive them to be a threat. Since you now apparently think that people over here are threatening you, how long before you start acting out your delusional fantasies?

A comment like:

Oh, it looks like they're still trying to find my home, so they can "get me" or something, for some perceived insult to their, um, "intelligence" I guess. Well, if any of them ever show up at my door, I hope their life insurance is paid-up.

is not indicative of a psychologically healthy person. Get real or get some help.

If you indicate what city you live in, I would be happy to recommend one of my associates.

Since I am not registered to post on EZBOARD, this is the only way I have of getting you this message.

It's also sad that posts regarding you on EZBOARD by persons who also post here are apparently being deleted. That's indicative of the reason why I and others have never bothered to register there.

-- Dr. Shrink (drshrink@shrink.asc), April 09, 2000.


I saw those two posts by bunkerboy as well. Does bunkerboy even post over here? Why aren't MY posts being deleted? [Would that question constitute "looking a gift horse in the mouth?"] Regarding this whole adoption thing, I don't know if I could cope with one of these "open" adoptions. I know it's the latest trend and all, and the child and birth mother keep ties, etc., but from the viewpoint of THIS mother, I'd feel VERY envious if *I* were the one caring for the child through sickness, etc. and the birth mother could just enjoy the child when she felt like it. It's like "I get all the work and YOU get all the play" type of envy. Fortunately, as I think Nadine pointed out, the mother and baby are back living with the grandmother, so it looks like even an "open" adoption is now a moot issue.

-- Anita (, April 09, 2000.


Anita: Why aren't MY posts being deleted? [Would that question constitute "looking a gift horse in the mouth?"]

I guess it is the mark of Cain. :o) Knowing you, I am sure that you can live with it....

Best wishes,,,,,

-- Z1X4Y7 (, April 09, 2000.

-- Doomzies-Be-Them (, September 17, 2000 Answers

-- (i@love.shapes), September 17, 2000.


-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, September 17, 2000.


-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, September 17, 2000.


-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), September 17, 2000.

-- Sal Monella (, September 24, 2000


whatsa matta you, Sal? Things too calm here for you lately? You get bored when there aren't enough flame wars or threads starting personal crap? Geeze.

-- (lawyers@are.blight), September 24, 2000.

"whatsa matta you, Sal? Things too calm here for you lately? You get bored when there aren't enough flame wars or threads starting personal crap? Geeze."

No, not bored. But I felt that if someone went to the trouble to repost the entire thread, then the thread needed to be legible.

I'll certainly admit to flaming people on here occasionally; the best example of that is probably Dancr, whose legal ignorance surely knows no bounds. But if you're trying to claim that I'm interested in starting personal arguments, well, that's just your opinion, Counselor, and you're certainly welcome to it.

-- Sal Monella (, September 26, 2000.

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