heating frugally - warm windows (misc)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

In preparation for winter and high heating costs we are looking everywhere for energy savings. I just received some fabric from an ebay auction called Warm Windows. I ended up with 8 yards for around thirty five dollars. The fabric is layed batting with a mylar reflective layere in between. They are designed to seal around your windows with magnets. I had planned to make new curtains with more coverage this year and this works great. I was so impressed with the construction of the layers that I thought it would be neat to track down more of it for the rest of the house.

A search of the internet didn't provide any sources (plus I think it would be cost prohibitive) but did come up with some neat ideas incorporating the emergency blankets that you buy at Walmart layered into your drapes. I just thought this was a neat idea and will be looking into it after I finish up the first batch of curtains. Makes sense to me...any of you know more about it?

-- Jennifer (KY) (acornfork@hotmail.com), September 23, 2000


It makes sense to me. too. In fact, if we do end up living in this house through the winter, I think I'd better get busy and see if I can't fix something like that up for us! Thanks for the idea!

-- Kathleen Sanderson (stonycft@worldpath.net), September 23, 2000.

I LOVE my window quilts installed in the early eighties when we got a tax deduction for them. We installed them on two bay windows on the north side of the house and I wish we would have installed them on ALL the windows. They really do make a big difference. When I pull them up in the morning when we need the light you can really feel the cold air come in.

-- Sandy (smd2@netzero.net), September 23, 2000.

I am making shades out of quilted fabric from walmart .Not only will it keep heat in or out , but also light for when I want to sleep late .Costs about $4.00 per window

-- Patty Gamble (fodfarms@slic.com), September 23, 2000.

You did get the WarmWindows for less than retail, though I can't remember how much it is. It comes in 2 widths, I believe, 45" and 60". You can make shades out of it, or "drapes" (pull to the sides).

Here in Wisconsin, it can be bought at Hancock Fabrics (they recently, last year or two, also incorporated Minnesota Fabrics and Northwest Fabrics) or at Jo-Anne Fabrics. You might try a search on those names.

There is a BIG store (and I think they're on the web) called something like Hancock Fabrics of Kentucky or Hancock of Kentucky -- NOT the same as the other Hancock mentioned above. I think it's located just over the border of southern Illinois into Kentucky. My mom has stopped there on her way south.

If I come across any sources, I will post it here.

-- Joy Froelich (dragnfly@chorus.net), September 23, 2000.

You can get thermal lined draps through J C Pennys on sale in there sale cataloges for about 15 dollars, thay seem to work well.

-- kathy h (saddlebronc@msn.com), September 24, 2000.

The house we just moved out of was so drafty! Plus with the kids and I having lupus, we needed to block out the sun, so I went to Wal-Mart and bought those cheap blankets the get real rough feeling in the dryer but have all the popular designs on them. The kids each got to pick a blanket for their window. My boys all share the same room, so the large window was rather colorful, but they loved it. Anyway, I put cup hooks in the window frame and could hook the blanket on the hook for a tighter fit. When they wanted sunlight, they just opened the curtain like a regular one. It made a HUGE difference in the temperature in the room!! We left them up for summer and noticed it helped there too. I have not done that in my new house yet. I was looking in the Harriet Carter catalog and saw the solar curtains. They are $3.98 each. You are supposed to be able to see out, but no one can see in and they are reflective, anyone try these out? How are they?

-- Cindy in OK (cynthiacluck@yahoo.com), September 24, 2000.

Jennifer~ did you bookmark the sites which gave you the ideas using the emergency blankets? If so, can you share these? We live in an older mobile, in a windy area, in Alaska, so warm ideas are appreciated!

-- Tammy S. (AK) (heritage@mtaonline.net), September 26, 2000.

I've also been looking for old quilts at yard sales to make drapes.I thought they would help and be cheap .

-- Patty Gamble (fodfarms@slic.com), September 26, 2000.

I saw some window coverings made with quilted/thermal fabric and magnetic strip tape. the magnets seal the curtain to the window frame airtight.

-- Erik (ekubec@hotmail.com), November 08, 2000.

Warm Windows:


-- ~Rogo (rogo2020@yahoo.com), November 09, 2000.

Years ago, when we moved into a new home in the city, I made some curtains using Warm Window fabric. That was when we got a "rebate" for using them. I remember the price was very prohibitive. I'd love to make up something similar, but this drafty old farmhouse has 28 windows. Thank you all for giving me some ideas and I will continue to check this thread!

-- Ardie from WI (a6203@hotmail.com), January 15, 2001.

It may be unreasonably costly, but you can also use Velco to seal a quilt or blanket to the window. Sew one side on the quilt/blanket/curtain and STAPLE the other to the window frame. I don't know how the cost compares to magnets but the seal is just about perfect.

-- Deborah (ActuaryMom@hotmail.com), January 15, 2001.

I was looking to make a warm window type covering. I happened to remember from re-doing our bathroom that the window is boxed with metal edging to protect the sharp corners. Works with a magnet (not aluminum) so that will allow you to get away from the ugly part of having an external magnet on your wall if you are lucky enough to have the same.

-- Tom (ta_7201@yahoo.com), March 03, 2001.

I got warm windows for some of the windows in our house at Jo Anns Fabric. If you are on their mailing list you occasionally get a 50% off coupon so I used that to get the fabric and then it didn't seem so costly. My SIL has here whole house done with them and it makes a huge difference.

-- Amber Chapman (amber_chapman@ivillage.com), September 04, 2001.

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