Sydney Prostitutes Offer Own Version of Olympics : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

Thursday September 21 4:24 PM ET

Sydney Prostitutes Offer Own Version of Olympics


SYDNEY (Reuters) - Sydney prostitutes are offering customers ``Sprints! Relays! and Marathons!'' in an advertising drive to cash in on the Olympic Games (news - web sites).

One brothel in the Lidcombe area near the Olympic complex insists in an advert in the Daily Telegraph tabloid that it has ''gold medal specialists'' to entertain clients.

Another near the Olympic Homebush Bay venues says: ``Go for gold! -- We always go the distance.''

Several others simply boast of ``gold medal services.''

Brothels are legal in Sydney and the rest of the state of New South Wales.

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), September 22, 2000


They oughta be able to work the broad jump in there somehow.

-- Sam (, September 22, 2000.

In Atlanta we had strip clubs offering the same type of deals. There was a small scandal when the Russian weightlifting team managed to break out and get to the Gold Club. Then there was the Ukranian athlete who was arrested for trespassing after he was found knocking on doors in a near-by housing project. He told one of the residents that he was looking for crack and he heard the projects were a good place to get them. I don't remember what happened to him.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, September 22, 2000.

I enjoyed the Breast Stroke and the Synchronized Cumming events.

-- (squiggly@down.under), September 22, 2000.

oh, goodie Just think of all the nice diseases these men will be bringing home to their significant and not-so-significant others. mmm mmmm

-- incest victims (shouldn', September 22, 2000.

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