Dream house? Scary neighbors part 2greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Thank you all for your information. I went investigating in the town we were thinking of buying......I found the houses that had the problems, which were really really off the beaten path. Also, the guys causing all the problems got put in jail. I talked to the guy who got shot and he wasn't concerned about any other trouble. Also, talked to all kinds of locals and they invited us to the next town function which is Saturday. I also talked to the real estate people and I personally are feeling better about this area. Unfortunately rural MO has a big Meth problem, hence some of the crime in the rural areas have an increase in crime, but not any worse than where I just came from.Thanks again. We are still investigating.
-- MO newbie (netorcs@mo-net.com), September 21, 2000
Hi,Glad to hear you feel better about the situation. We had heard lots of interesting things about rural MO too-but we have found absolutely no problems. The people are warm and friendly-though depending on where you are from, there is a little difference...you may feel a bit like a fish outa water. But that is more because yo may be used to the suburban/citylife, and countrylife *is* different. There are always adjustments to make.
We were originally from suburbs of Chicago, but spent a few years in the country west of the big city sprawl...but even that didn't prepare us for a few things. Like when it is five o clock, everyone goes home...by early evening town is really quiet. Even Walmart closes earlier 9pm.
Crim? Sure there is crime...but it is different than city crime. Tell me one police or other law enforcement agency in any area of this country that has not been accused of being corrupt :) And in the country-in the more southern regions, there is a bit of that "good ol' boy network" But that isn't a big deal either. Even with its problems, in our area, most everyone leaves their door unlocked at night, and even keeys in their cars...in town no less! Not so much in Joplin or Springfield- but in the little sleepy towns, they do.
And I would be surprised if there wasn't a good sense of community too. People look out for each other-and eachothers livestock too. Example, when our neighbors cows get out-we help him get them back n, and so do the other neighbors. when there is a wildfire(a commmon threat around here in late summer early fall, until the fall rains come)-everyone in the immediate area helps get it under control-we have seen a huge bucket brigade working at the same time as a buch of men dig a fire break...people of different backrounds all coming togehter to help a neighbor.
Welcome to Missouri-for what ist worth, I think you have picked a great plcae to live and work!
Peace and blessings, Sarah
PS if you are comfortable saying-what part of Mo are you going to be in? Maybe we will be neighbors!
-- Sarah (heartsong85@juno.com), September 21, 2000.
Bear in mind the guys in jail probably plead down the charges and will be out in a couple of years. They it's back to your backyard doing what they do best.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (scharabo@aol.com), September 21, 2000.
I didn't answer your first thread because there were so many other answers....I'm glad you're continuing to investigate! You have to make the decision on what is best for you and your family! Talk to any news media people that might cover your area....is there a local or daily newspaper somewhere around??? I am a reporter here and I know there is a bad crystal meth problem in rural 'bama and likely in most other rural areas of the country because that's where they can "cook it up" without being detected as easily....
But that doesn't necessarily mean everywhere else is bad to live around that area....
good luck and please let us all know what your final decision is!!!
-- Suzy in 'Bama (slgt@yahoo.com), September 21, 2000.
As a transplant to MO who loves it, I'm deeply sorry to hear of your experience and hope you won't paint the whole state with the same brush. Yes, MO does have a serious Meth problem but so do lots of other states. I've heard from friends of my husband who are in law enforcement that I-44 is just a pipeline of drugs to St. Louis, Chicago and the northeast. Unfortunately, it's everywhere but you have to pick and choose. We are very grateful that where we are now is so peaceful and that we have good neighbors. I've not met some but will give them the benefit of the doubt until I know for sure some of the rumors I've been told are true. We did live by one woman for 11 years who was wealthy enough that she could hire lawyers to "sic" on you. If she couldn't go after you, she'd find someone else to do it and pay their legal fees. Highly illegal, yes, but she's got to be caught first. I could go on about her mean spirited tricks on all her neighbors or anyone whom she did not like but I don't want to take up computer time foolishly--it won't change anything. When we did sell that place, she had put her house on the market to build on another part of her land. If a realtor or prospective buyer asked us about the neighbors, I could honestly tell them that our community was strong and had a good neighborhood watch, etc., and that since this particular woman was moving, I couldn't say about any new owners. If she'd known what peace that gave me, it would have galled her no end. Needless to say, now I interview neighbors of any property we are thinking of buying.Glad you continued to look and ask questions and that all works out well for you and your family. Missouri has much to offer--I could be a one woman chamber of commerce if they'd let me. I don't like the cities, but then I don't like any city, although they are nice places to visit.
Good luck and best wishes where ever your new home is.
-- marilyn (rainbow@ktis.net), September 21, 2000.
I live in northern Arkansas, a few miles south of Missouri, and love the area. I've been here for about 8 years now and I think I could have done a lot worse, especially since I moved here without knowing much about the area first. Yes, meth labs are a bit of a problem here, but it's not that bad. The cops keep busting them and people keep doing it.
-- Noah Simoneaux (noaj@yournet.com), September 25, 2000.