Canning Chili : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Can chili be canned (without meat) by process of a hot water bath?

-- Tammy (, September 19, 2000


I know people that can green beans in a waterbath, but it takes three hours. I don't know how long it would take for you chili, alhtough I'm sure it would be longer. It isn't considered as safe, so as a rule of thumb, unless it has vinegar in it or is fruit, pressure can. (Milk can be done in the water bath, cake in the oven.)

-- Cindy (, September 20, 2000.

Ya know, Cindy, I've heard the same thing about green beans in the water bath. I've always done them in the pressure canner becuase they aren't high acid enough to water bath. Wouldn't cooking them for 3 hrs make them mush?

-- Misha (, September 26, 2000.

Tammy, nope. Sorry. You might find old recipes that call for water bath canning them instead of pressure canning, but remember they are OLD recipes. There are a lot of out-dated and unsafe canning recipes out there. I know pressure canners are expensive, and scary, but for a lot of things you need one. If you're asking because you don't have one, ask around to borrow or buy one. Running an ad looking in a shopper type paper might also turn one up. In some cases you can use a pressure sauce pot to can small quantities. Gerbil

-- Gerbil (, September 26, 2000.

Thanks for the input. After doing more research, I decided to wait until I get a pressure canner!

-- Tammy (, September 27, 2000.

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