what do you think of life in blue? (my photo site)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo: URL Review : One Thread

any comments would be greatly appreciated. thanks! jT

-- jeremyT (jerthomas@hotmail.com), September 18, 2000


URL missing.Don't worry, this is very common

-- Riad Traboulsi (trab@wanadoo.fr), September 20, 2000.

sorry url is:


-- jeremyT (jerthomas@hotmail.com), September 20, 2000.

Cool site, Jeremy!!! I liked it a lot. Congrats!!!

-- Walfredo Cirne (walfredo@cs.ucsd.edu), September 29, 2000.

Looks good.

But only when you're in ... what, 1024x768? When I reduce the size of my browser, the main image goes away. Also, when the desired space is not available, your gallery close-ups are not viewable. You need to design the page to be viewable in 640x480 (still quite common) and also 800x600 (which is the most widely used, over 50%).

There is something animated down at the bottom of the front page. This was a deliberate way of hiding it, right? (If it was deliberate, it's a good idea. I'll remember to do the same thing.)

-- Brian C. Miller (brian.c.miller@gte.net), October 05, 2000.

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