minor valve tap between 2000 and 3500rpmgreenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
Hello out there! As soon as I picked up my F4S from the dealer, I noticed what seems to be a valve tap between 2000 and 3500 rpm. The bike is brand new with only 180 miles on it. After pointing this out to the service manager, he explained that the valves can actually tighten up which is why during the 1st service (600 miles) they open the head to check the valves. Has anyone had similar experiences? Your input would be much appreciated ; Thanks Masis.
-- Masis Yeterian (drmasis@aol.com), September 18, 2000
Yes, I just pointed out that mine did that prior to seizing the engine. It was fairly minor, so I didn't feel it was a problem at the time. I only noted it after I got the repaired bike back, because at the moment it doesn't make that noise anymore.
-- Michael Manning (mmanning@meretrx.com), September 18, 2000.
The story I heard, here in the UK, is that the reason they open the top of the engine on the first service is to check the valve clearances, but more importantly, some earlier machines suffered a problem with the case hardening (on the cam I think) and this is the dealers best opportunity to check you dont have a baddie!!
-- Bob (bob@beachy-head.demon.co.uk), May 02, 2001.