Anyone know of good reputable merchant to rent VCD's from online. : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I want to rent VCD's. Anyone know or have tried renting from the internet before. Can you tell me some good sites (reputable, originals, safe). Thanks

-- Steve Trans (, September 15, 2000


Why rent when you can own? VCD is very cheap only. Try take a look at

Shipping rate is fixed ($6.99), no matter how huge your quantity is.

-- Jordon (, September 19, 2000.

I had no idea of all the leeches here trying to sell vcd's. The person just wanted to know about RENTING not buying your pirates! I will have to take any advice here with a grain of salt from now on. Not knowing if the advice given is for my benifet in making vcd's or failure in doing so. I wonder how many pieces of bad advice have been given by the leeches to deture people from making their own vcd's and not buying any. Hummmm.... Something to think about!!

-- Concerned (, September 21, 2000.

I think you can try webjade. They rent vcd's online for $2-3/disc.



-- don (, September 27, 2000.

jhfsd fttndrt yywnmre h,oiw

-- gfa hsgdvb (, November 02, 2000.

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