Oil Leak!!!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I thought I had this fixed already! I brought in my bike 3 weeks ago, they determined that the oil leak was caused by a faulty oil filter. They replaced my oil filter and I brought it home a week later. They also updaated the throttle bodies and other things...

I go away for two weeks for business and all I could think about was that I havent really ridden the bike ever since the fix. I come back and plan to take the bike to work. I go into the garage and see a spot of oil on my strategically placed brown bag!!!

Now I have to bring the bike back to the shop. Waste my precious time, and friends, travelling back and forth to the shop. The shop is a ways away.

She's still beautiful though.

-- mod (mvf4s@excite.com), September 12, 2000


It happen the same to me.Just clean well old oil on motor oil filter port than oil your new oil filter seal, than found a Japanese's air filter bracket (those for fixing the air box on carbs)than you have the make a small bore (1mm) on your krank (you'll found a little lip on the right side). Last but not least connect both with a metal wire twisted (like for racing bikes brakes). Than no more problems. Guaranteed !!

Bests regards


-- Laurent GABERELL (laurent.gaberell@urbanet.ch), May 02, 2001.

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