Does anyone have a canning recipe for sweet red peppers ? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have alot of red peppers and would like to can them .My kids and hubby love the that b&g make .Any ideas ?
-- Patty Gamble (, September 11, 2000
One recipes says to wash drain remove stems and seeds, boil 3 minutes, drain, pack leaving 1 inch headspace. Add 1T vinegar and 1/2 salt to each pint. Make sure the boiling water covers the peppers. Pints and 1/2 pints only. 35 min. at 10# pressure. Another recipe say 40 min. at 5# pressure. There's also a rec. in this months Countryside. I prefer to freeze them.
-- Cindy (, September 11, 2000.
Lynn has been processing all ours through the dehydrators. They're great for cooking and when she isn't looking, I sneak a pack for snacking.
-- Jay Blair (, September 11, 2000.
Patty,peppers freeze so easily and so well you might try freezing them instead of canning. I grow a lot of a sweet pepper called "Red Ruffled Pimiento" and they freeze well and keep most of their texture and flavor for years in the freezer.
-- Rags in Alabama (, September 13, 2000.