
greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

What is default (submittable) setting of Dragon Saber?

default of my board is 3 dragons,1 life,rank B,extend B.

but default of mame(mine) is dragon S(no remain,no extra forever). life 1!(can not crash mere 1 small bullets during games!)

Is it really default of yours??

#I think,very few players clear all levels at this settings.....

-- no-name (weavuspert@yahoo.co.jp), September 09, 2000


With the latest MAME I have(MAME 37 beta 7) - the settings you mentioned are the default settings currently. To be honest... I think 1 life is ridiculous personally... GB9

-- Gameboy9 (goldengameboy@yahoo.com), September 09, 2000.

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