Back on the farm (just running away at the mouth) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Here are on the farm we have had an eventfull week. Canned 10 quarts of pears!for the first time.boy thats a lot of work (tomatoes are easier) Made 13, 1/2 pints of applesauce (More work than the pears.) 1/2 pints ? of course both my pantry and the store were out of pints and 13? 32cups of apples makes 13 1/2 pints and a little extra to eat before bed for my father in law. Dehydrated some (ha ha) apples . I don't now how many, and of course my 9 year old manual slicer-dicer had to break and slow things down.We did get a picture of my father in law next to his invention. The foot powered used to be a bike grain mill. so when ever Joel gets around to writting that artical (this winter; ) he he) I also found out that even I can make do !! I was contemplaiting (sp) all the apples I had just peeled ,cored, cut & cooked into something that was supposed end up as sauce. Looking at my potatoe masher wondering how chunky will this be? and thought hmm I have a potatoe ricer. Soo the light bulb does work up there in the attic :) It's nice to know I can rammble on and a few of you will smile and a few will chuckle and some will shake their heads but no one will give me that look that we all get and the never ending "You do what?" Yes homstead !
-- Becky (, September 08, 2000
Isn't it fun ? We are into remodling big time this year so not much canning going on .It out of necessity not fashion , some day I hope not to carry a bucket in to the bathroom to flush the toilet .
-- Patty Gamble (, September 08, 2000.
Nice to see you ! Your spelling has improved dramatically(you nurses write in an unreadable code) Lord willing and the half shafts hold than we should be done in September and we "might" get a month of time to ourselves. Love Always, Joel
-- Joel Rosen (, September 09, 2000.
You've been busy! Last weekend I made pear preserves and the pears were so little that I blistered my thumb peeling them...but they sure are pretty!I've made grape, blackberry and apple jelly this year too! I froze and canned a lot of stuff this year but not as much as last because the draught really hurt us here in north 'bama. I watered as much as I could but it just wasn't the same as good ole' rain!
My older apple and pears trees are o.k. and I've managed to water my three new apple trees, one new pear tree and one little silver maple tree all summer until they still look healthy so I believe they're going to make it!
It's a little cooler here now so the Angora rabbits are playing happily and seemed to be much more content! And I'm not having to take ice bottles to them three times a day!!!!
-- Suzy in 'Bama (, September 09, 2000.
Becky, I can sure relate to your canning adventures. Last weekend we picked apples and pears, too. I then canned seven quarts of pears before I decided that was enough for one afternoon because I wanted to go work on my quilt. I was surprised to find how much work it was just to get seven quarts. This weekend I plan to put up some pint jars. I think the quarts is not the best use since there are only two of us. (Besides, pints will look like I did more because there will be more jars! Te! He!)Paul keeps saying he wants to make apple cider from the apples on our tree but so far I don't see a cider press appearing anywhere so we'll see but he is going to have to act soon or they are going to be applesauce. Canning applesauce is on my agenda for this weekend. I'm disheartened that you mention that applesauce is more work than the pears but I guess since you have to squish them and cook them it is more work. Oh well. I'll have to use the pint jars on this as well so I'll really think I'm accomplishing something. I think I better go shopping for more pint jars since I am almost out. All, in all, even though it is a lot of work, I do enjoy doing it and love looking at the jars afterwards knowing that I am ready for the winter.
-- Colleen (, September 14, 2000.