why Texas? Lets have a Countryside invasion in NE Kansas....greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I'm serious! Average price of auction house around here is $12K. Best, prettiest, blackest, richest soil anywhere. They even let me have my goats and chickens in town, yeah! (when we lived in town). Government intervention with what you do to land is next to zilch. We have a 3 acre place and could put a mobile on it also if we so desired. We could even start our own goat cult! (My hubby said, "You goat people are weird! You're like a.....CULT!!! lol) Yes, NE Kansas in the homesteaders best kept secret...but I'm letting the cat out of the bag. Come on over!!!(Seriously--if anyone is interested; I can scout the area for what you'd like.....)
-- Beth Weber (talmidim88@hotmail.com), September 07, 2000
Don't it get cold up there?
-- Joe Cole (jcole@apha.com), September 08, 2000.
Joe, whats a little cold weather ?
-- Patty Gamble (fodfarms@slic.com), September 08, 2000.
Cold weather is bad bad bad...I'll take a couple months of this 100 degree plus stuff over that below zero stuff anyday.
-- Joe Cole (jcole@apha.com), September 08, 2000.
Beth, what kind of prices for bare land? (Ten acres up to 100 acres)
-- Kathleen Sanderson (stonycft@worldpath.net), September 08, 2000.
I don't mind cold, but don't you guys get tornados? I'd rather have a blizzard than a tornado. Blizzards you can prepare for, and (generally speaking) they don't rip your house off its foundation! So I'm a wimp.... ;)
-- Ali (philipandaleta@juno.com), September 08, 2000.
Winters arent't too bad up here. We didn't have ANY below zero temps last winter and only two snows that I can remember, but it does happen. Only had one day 100 last summer but this summer was close to 20 days, but that is over now PTL!Tornados: I have lived in KS and OK all my life and have never seen a tornado. Though I have spent some time in my hidey hole. I respect them greatly but have learned not to waste my time worrying about them just because the sky is cloudy. We didn't have any storms worth worrying about this spring.
Land: Where we live the price depends on whether it is agric. or pasture, upland or river bottom, small parcel or large. Agric is more expensive ($1000 & up an acre), pasture ($700-$950), upland is cheaper than river bottom, and small parcels "tend" to be more per acre than large ones. So a small, river bottom, agric parcel will probably cost more than a large, upland pasture. I know that is not real specific but hope it helps.
-- Vaughn (vdcjm5@juno.com), September 08, 2000.
What about agribusiness fertilizers and pesticides geting into your water table?
-- snoozy (allen@oz.net), September 08, 2000.
Nitrates in well water can be a problem in areas with a consentration of agric. Usually in the lower lying areas(everything drains down). Some areas are more pasture/ranch land and I would think there wouldn't be a problem there.
-- Vaughn (vdcjm5@juno.com), September 08, 2000.
We get tornadoes and hurricanes in Texas too but I've only seen a tornado twice when I was growing up otherwise...nada. I prefer the heat over the cold!Ted
-- Ted Hart (tedhart71@hotmail.com), January 24, 2001.
Just had to chime in on the cold/hot thing from sunny central Wisconsin. Moved North because it finally dawned on me that while I could always put on another sweatshirt or pair of socks to get warmer, I could only take so much off to get cooler.
-- ray s. (mmoetc@yahoo.com), January 24, 2001.