The real Shrub accidentally shows his colors : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

Monday, Sept. 4, 2000

Bush Insults Reporter Who Wrote Critical Articles

NAPERVILLE, Ill. (Reuters) - George W. Bush, who has promised to bring a new tone of civility to politics, displayed little warmth for a reporter on Monday, whispering to his running mate that the journalist was a ``major league asshole.''

The Republican presidential nominee was unaware his microphone was live when he leaned over to Dick Cheney at a Labor Day rally and said, ``There's Adam Clymer, major league asshole from the New York Times.''

Cheney responded, ``Oh yeah, he is, big time.''

Bush was unhappy with a series of articles by Clymer that were critical of the Texas governor's record in Austin.

Bush, whose bid for the White House has been based largely on ``changing the tone'' in Washington, told the rally in the Chicago suburb that it was ``time to get some plain-spoken folks'' in the nation's capital.

Later, Cheney was asked by a television producer if ''calling people names'' was part of the campaign.

``I won't respond to it,'' Cheney said of the question. ``The governor made a private comment to me.''

Bush's spokeswoman, Karen Hughes, said the remark was ``a whispered aside to his running mate.''

``It was not intended as a public comment,'' she said, adding, ``It was a reference to a series of articles the governor felt was unfair.''

The campaign of Bush's Democratic rival, Vice President Al Gore, was quick to respond.

``We hold virtually all members of the Fourth Estate in the highest regard and we believe they should be part of the democratic process day in and day out,'' spokesman Chris Lehane said.


I've no doubt he has similar feelings for the majority of the American people, and if elected, will prove it by his actions. Sleazy worm.

-- shrub hater (, September 04, 2000


You've never called someone an asshole in your life? If you did, did you mean the majority of Americans, or just the guy you were calling "asshole"..? Did he deserve to be called an asshole or were you just being sleazy? I've probably called someone an asshole, under my breath or to their face, at least 200 times in my life.

You aren't okay with a man who "says" asshole..but were you okay with a president who was getting blowjobs off a young intern in the oval office?? Just curious.

-- Just because I call you an asshole.. (DoesntMean@Ithink.everyoneis1), September 04, 2000.

"You aren't okay with a man who "says" asshole..but were you okay with a president who was getting blowjobs off a young intern in the oval office?? Just curious."

That's my whole point shit-for-brains, Bush claims to be of so much "higher moral character" than the current administration, but he's just another sleazy lying sack-o-shit.

-- (duuuuh@duuuuh.dufus), September 04, 2000.

-- (undo@italic.undone), September 04, 2000.

"We hold virtually all members of the Fourth Estate (Rush Limbaugh and other conservatives whom we don't control excepted, of course) in the highest regard and we believe (that because the overwhelming majority are far-left socialists like ourselves, that) they should be part of the democratic (I mean, brainwashing) process day in and day out," spokesman Chris Lehane said.

Truth in advertising.

-- J (Y2J@home.comm), September 04, 2000.

Bush is an asshole. There I said it. He is also a coward, by the way. What a freaking wimp that he only wants to debate Gore once on national television. What is he afraid of? Of course he will look like the fool he is when debating Gore.

And this comment is ridiculous:

"You aren't okay with a man who "says" asshole..but were you okay with a president who was getting blowjobs off a young intern in the oval office?? Just curious."

Contrary to what they may say over on SLEZ, Clinton is not running for president again. Typical bullshit from your camp-you do not want to run against Gore and you do not want to debate Gore-you want to run against Clinton. Sad.

-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), September 05, 2000.

Another thread about CPR!

-- (, September 05, 2000.


Is george a secret "Death Metal" fan ??

Kinda . .

or . .

I think we should be told.

-- Bush Watcher (, September 05, 2000.

-- Ooops (whered@myimages.go), September 05, 2000.

Ohhhhh, go look . . .

Bush -

Satanist 1 - pics/fullsize%20pics/mask_and_friends.jpg

Satanist 2 - pg

-- Darn it (, September 05, 2000.



-- L (, September 05, 2000.

``We hold virtually all members of the Fourth Estate in the highest regard and we believe they should be part of the democratic process day in and day out,'' spokesman Chris Lehane said.

LOL! And they said Dan Quayle was stupid. Bush might not be exactly the smartest guy, but pay attention to what Gore and his people say.

Perhaps Bush "hold(s) virtually all members of the Fourth Estate in the highest regard and we believe they should be part of the democratic process day in and day out", but the one exception is Adam Clymer.

-- Toss Bush In (Prison@over.this), September 05, 2000.

Let's see if I can get them to appear. . .

Bush -

Satanist 1 -

Satanist 2 -


-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), September 05, 2000.

That hand 'signal' represents the University of Texas,as in "hookem horns",although Bush was not raised in Austin(State Capitol) home city of UT

-- just an observance (here in Tex@s.UT), September 05, 2000.

So yep, he did call the guy an asshole, tooo funny, kinda reminds me of the I95 song....

-- consumer (, September 05, 2000.

Dubya has really thin skin. He's the one who forced several parody sites to be removed from the internet because they made fun of him. I can't remember his actual words, but they went something like, "There should be LIMITS on freedom of speech."

-- Anita (, September 05, 2000.

In some circles (most of which are in SoCal), that hand signal is a "descriptor" of "Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude..........", depending on the usage of the word "dude" (which is determined by inflection).

It's funny but one can actually have an entire "conversation" simply using the word "dude" in its many variances.

In Italian circles (mostly in Brooklyn), that hand signal (possibly in conjunction with others) indicates that Mom or Grandma isn't quite pleased with you and she has just cast the Evil Eye upon you. Watch out.

-- Patricia (, September 05, 2000.

You got a problem with Bush calling someone asshole...and then you call me "shit for brains"? Why? Because I replied? What the hell. The Real Shrub Hater shows his true colors. I've no doubt you have similar feelings for the majority of the American People. Sleazy worm. At least, according to you you are.

-- Why Bother (, September 05, 2000.

In Britain, that gesture equates to the one-finger salute in North America.

-- viewer (, September 05, 2000.

I can't remember his actual words, but they went something like, "There should be LIMITS on freedom of speech."

No, that was slick willie that said that. Of course that depends on what the word "on" in that sentence means.

-- Liberals got nutin but stumps on their necks (yeah@yeahyeahyeah.yeah), September 05, 2000.

Bush is making the universal sign language sign for "I love you"...which includes the thumb. He has the thumb out, but the angle of the photograph makes it difficult to see.

-- Bush Loves You! :-) (, September 05, 2000.

Anyone interested in learning more about Dubya and his membership in the "Skull and Bones Society"? Look at the May, 2000 Atlantic Monthly. I won't copy it all here (yes, it's on line), but here is one part which justifies me in my refusal to consider dubya a serious presidential candidtate (not to mention that he continues to execute people whose guilt is doubtful):

Given the society's history as an incubator and meeting point for rising generational elites, it is not surprising that an especially susceptible kind of "barbarian" -- the Bones term for a nonmember -- has long seen the society as a locus of mystery, wealth, and conspiracy. One doesn't need to scratch deeply to uncover accusations of sinister ties with the CIA, the Trilateral Commission, the Illuminati, the Council on Foreign Relations, even the Nazis. It turns out that the Yale admissions committee that voted to admit George W., despite his poor record at Andover, included three members (out of seven) who were Bonesmen; those seeking evidence of malign influence will surely raise an eyebrow. (For the conspiracy-minded, the most useful omnium gatherum is the British writer Antony C. Sutton's feverish 1983 tract An Introduction to the Order.) World domination aside, the most pervasive rumors about Bones are that initiates must masturbate in a coffin while recounting their sexual exploits, and that their candor is ultimately rewarded with a no-strings-attached gift of $15,000. Bonesmen, who are sworn to secrecy at initiation, have not publicly denied or confirmed these rumors; they have usually made a point of refusing to speak to the press about the society at all. As The Skulls was about to be released, and as George W.'s quest for the Republican presidential nomination looked increasingly certain to succeed, the society sent all members a memo reminding them of their vow of silence.

So you really think someone who jerks off in a coffin while reciting his sexual exploits is morally suprior to someone who gets blow jobs in the White House? (Pass the cigars, dubya)


-- jumpoffjoe (, September 05, 2000.

oh the pride I feel every camaign season...

-- (
webombrussia@tommorow.RR), September 05, 2000.

-- (linkit@your.selves), September 05, 2000.


But TV and newspaper psychologist Dr Joyce Brothers said although the word had shock value, people have become inured to what was formerly considered "bad" language when they hear it constantly on TV and in the movies. It didn't mean that society was less civil or moral, just that it adapted to changes.

"Certain words become permissible after you hear them enough," she told Reuters. She cited "penis" as a word rarely seen in print until the story of Lorena Bobbitt lopping off her husband's sexual organ grabbed world headlines.

"Oral sex, too, was something that was never mentioned before the Clinton episode," Brothers said of President Clinton's escapades with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.

Of Bush's comment, she said: "It was not very presidential, even though presidents sometimes do shocking things."

another link

-- (figure@it.out), September 05, 2000.

I think the story was that Clinton was co-ordinating troop movements and bombing Yugoslavia (Illegally) while getting said BJ

-- KoFE (your@town.USA), September 05, 2000.

Ever ask yourself, how could elections be about the disposition of power, if this bumpf is what grabs our attention?

Two answers occur to me:

1) Either we believe this stuff is REALLY IMPORTANT (in which case, we are majorly stupid), or

2) we grasp that the big money vote has already been counted, the winner is Bore/Gush/GE/Disney/Exxon, and we may as well get what amusement we can from the remainder of the performance.

-- Brian McLaughlin (, September 05, 2000.

Why Bother,

I have no problem with people getting hummers at the office or people calling each other assholes. I do have a problem with a phony who lies when he says he is going to "restore honor and dignity to the White House," and then behaves in a manner which is no better than those he accuses of such indignity. I respect REAL people, not people who pretend to be better than others when they aren't.

-- (shrubya@the.slimy.sleazeball), September 05, 2000.

^^^^that pretty much sums it up, shruby the slime ball said it best.

He is NO better than the rest

-- (, September 06, 2000.

Hey, jumpoff joe, ole buddy, how are you?

BTW, I'd read about the Skull and Bones on their website when I was trying to find out how much the Skull and Bones pin was worth. I have one, and I want to sell it on e-bay. Does anyone know where I could find out what they sell for. Any help appreciated.

You all should check out the Skull and Bones website. It's kind of scary, and not because of skulls and bones.

-- gilda (, September 07, 2000.

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