soy : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have recently seen candles made of soy and want to know about making them at home.
-- Ruth Quinlan (, August 31, 2000
Saw your post, and soy candles sounded interesting. Unfortunately after messing with search engines, all I mostly uncovered was sites selling or reselling these candles. Also soyboard promotions of such. I did find a site selling "soy wax" for candlemakers:
In case that is what you are looking for. No info on how this soy wax is made or if its possible to do so at home. If you do run across info on how it is made please post it. I'm sure others here would be interested.
-- Hermit John (, September 02, 2000.
Hello, My name is Mike Baumann and I have developed a soy wax recipe with a large agricultural co. We are set up to wholesale our wax which in not available through anyone but us. Our blend works perfect in both containers and molds. As low as $.53/lb. Please call me at 1-866-345- 2204 or 1-507-359-5454 to find out more about our new product.Thank you, Michael Baumann
-- mike baumann (, March 17, 2001.
please send me info on your soy wax
-- keith (, September 21, 2001.