rhubarb harvestinggreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
This is only the second year for my rhubarb, so I've only cut enough for two pies, earlier in June. The plants are very full and healthy now and I'm wondering if it's okay to cut some more this late in the season. Is it tougher this late? Thanks.
-- glynnis in KY (gabbycab@msn.com), August 29, 2000
Glynnis,I have harvested late Rhubarb, what I have learned is that each plant needs 1/3 of it's stalks left on for the winter.
Todd O <>< IA
-- Todd Osborn (tosborn@cccglobal.com), August 29, 2000.
Rhubarb is pretty tough to kill. Once established, you can cut about 1/2 of all the stalks that appear without fear. Also realize that it needs to be divided about every 3 to 4 years, or it will become less productive. Just use a sharp spade and remove about 1/4 to 1/3 of the root in spring - just as the buds are breaking through the ground. Replant that, or give it to a friend. Remember that rhubarb does much better in full sun. Also, cut off any seed heads that develop, to channel the growth into the roots and stalks. GL!
-- Brad (Homefixer@SacoRiver.net), August 29, 2000.
I harvest rhubarb as a cut and come again crop, taking the nice, big stuff and cutting/freezing it a little at a time over the entire growing season. Always leave at least a third each time. It seems to work fine, any comments?
-- Soni (thomkilroy@hotmail.com), August 29, 2000.