New homestead for Little Bit {misc} : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I wanted to stop in and let everyone know that we are finally going to be moving in about a month. I will probably be off line for a time, while we begin building our homestead. We are extremely excited and grateful to God for all that he has done to make this happen. About 3 months ago our landlord came to us and told us he was selling our property. We began seriously looking toward moving out of state soon, but apparently God didn't feel we were moving fast enough because 3 weeks ago the landlord came back to us and said that he was having tax problems and we would have to be out of here by Sept. 23.Fortunately God already had everything worked out, including a nice piece of land, with some very nice owners who were willing to sell, and not one but three good Job possibilties within driving distance. This in a place we had been calling about Jobs for quite awhile to no avail. We have one very good Job offer and two more following behind. I am so thankful for God's provision in my life. This move has also given me th opportunity to straighten out somethings that I needed to straighten out before leaving the state, including an old ticket that has a story as long as my arm.
So as of Sept. 23, it's Oklahoma here we come! We will be starting a new part of our lives and regretfully leaving behind the family we love so much. And now we will begin the task of making a bare piece of land into a beautiful homestead. So as of the end of September you all will get a break from Little Bit's darn stubborness, but in the words of Arnold Schwarzeneger(sp? hehe),"Ill be Back".
Little Bit farm
-- Little bit Farm (, August 25, 2000
Good luck, Hope your move is easy and uneventful! Keep in touch somehow....Make new friends w/ someone at the library. And use the computers to let us hear from you. Until then may God bless and keep you all safe!
-- Debbie T in N.C. (, August 25, 2000.
Great news! Good luck and God Bless you. It's going to be an exciting time in your lives.I remember when we first moved to our place. WOW! it's a hetic, stressful, wonderful time to go through and one that you'll cherish forever.
Jim T.
-- Jim Tanner (, August 25, 2000.
Praise God, yippee and three cheers! Your own patch of land! I'm soooo happy for you! Make sure you chronicle your move and all with pictures1
-- Beth Weber (, August 25, 2000.
Best wishes/ & i hope it cools down a little for your move! Sonda in Ks.
-- Sonda (, August 25, 2000.
Congrats, Little Bit!!!! Prayin' that the weather is cooler for your move next month. It has been running 101 down there all week (here in KS too). Like someone said above, keep a chronicle with pictures we want to see your place and story in Countryside next year.
-- Vaughn (, August 25, 2000.
Congratulations! Hope you're not off line too long, though, you will certainly be missed.
-- Cindy (, August 25, 2000.
Praise God! Yes, please do not be gone long.... a mind like yours will indeed be missed! Enjoy and please let us know how it all is coming along. God Bless! Wendy
-- Wendy@GraceAcres (, August 26, 2000.
LBF: Good luck and God Bless! I'm sure you'll have lots to let us know about once you get settled! Keep a journal and take lots of pictures! Jan
-- Jan in Colorado (, August 26, 2000.
That's good news, Little Bit, but I do hope you are able to get on line once in a while and keep us posted about how things are going with your family. And find all the information you share here about things that are going on! We will miss that.
-- Kathleen Sanderson (, August 26, 2000.
Hi Little Bit, We'll miss you!Hope you can get back on asap! God bless you & guide you! In His love, ~~Tracy~~
-- Tracy Jo Neff (, August 26, 2000.
I would very much like to hear about the differences between life in Oklahoma and life in California. We lived in the Los Angeles suburbs for over 30 years before moving here to Virginia. Needless to say, we are THRILLED to be out of California (sorry if I've offended any Californians - just my opinion that Virginia is a far better place to raise a family!). Much success to you in your move...
-- Liz Rhein (, August 26, 2000.
Little bit, Funny how things work sometimes. Praise the Lord. I'm very happy for you and yours. I will miss your spiritual guidence here. You have helped more people than you think w/ your faithfulness and knowledgable postings. Yes, please keep a journal for us. God speed, John Mengel in S. IN.
-- John (, August 27, 2000.
Rich Blessings, my friend ! I wish you every good thing you can hope for. Ohh yeah--write soon !
-- Joel Rosen (, August 27, 2000.
i agree with all the others in wishing you the best of luck but with God's help luck won't be needed because even if things aren't what you want He will get you on with your's and His plans for you. ii hope that a local library will have this forum available to you so you can keep us abreast of what is happening.
i also think that the land you are moving to is luckey to have a homesteader to be its caretaker.
looking forward to hearing how things are going.
-- gail missouri ozarks (, August 27, 2000.
Little Bit,where in OK? I am in NE Oklahoma will you be in my direction?
-- Mona (, August 28, 2000.
hey! let me know if you may be going thru NE Kansas en route to OK. We'd sure love to feed you!
-- Beth Weber (, August 28, 2000.
Lotsa Luck, Little Bit! Keep us posted. Sounds like it's working out just as it should!
-- sheepish (, August 28, 2000.
Congratulations!!!!God speed to you and I am sure that you will light up your area of OK just like you have kindled this forum! Hope you come back on quickly!
-- Doreen (, August 28, 2000.
Thank you all for the kind words. We are moving to SE Oklahoma. Hubby has found a good paying job, and we are just 3 weeks from M-Day. Very excited. You guys are all great! Thanks for being my friends!Little Bit Farm
-- Little bit Farm (, August 29, 2000.