town square : LUSENET : Kentlands : One Thread |
Does anyone viewing this message know that a four story office building will replace the temporary sales center? Have you ever seen a turn-of-the-century town square with a four story office building raising next to an ice skating rink? Shouldn't this be limited to two stories to match the surroundings to which this community has become accustomed and promised? You may have been told that an office building would replace the sales center, but were you told that it would be as tall as the apartment building across the street?
-- (, August 24, 2000
This office building has always been in the plan and depicted as being at least 4 stories with a European type square in between the office building and apartments. Office space will help the adjacent restaurants and retail shops be successful and is important to the urban design principles followed for the development of Kentlands/Lakelands. I am not sure whether the final site plan for the buidling has been approved. If it hasn't, you will have the opportunity to comment on the size and look of the building through the city processes.
-- bill edens (, August 25, 2000.
If taken on a stand-alone basis, I agree that a four-story building next to an ice rink may seem incongruous. But bear in mind that on the other side of the street from the proposed office structure is an e-NOR-mous apartment building that will dwarf the office building in visual mass. The "skyline" aspect of the 40-foot high building will probably provide just enough visual variety to suggest the small town look that I believe Kentlanders have expressed in the past to be their target.
-- David Fetzer (, September 08, 2000.