thanks everyone from : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
man alive; I came here whining (smile) and just wanting to run...but through you all have been given SO MUCH encouragement to stay put and see if this thing is gonna grow. Little bit farm; I read your post and thought; "BINGO". You know; I don't know what the Lord has planned for us down the road. I know that if and when He moves us; hopefully we'll be grown up and discerning enough to not let it be on emotional reasons. As for fellowship...although I am moreso inclined to sacramental faith; I love to fellowship with anyone who loves the Lord passionately and is open to the Wind of His Spirit. We have two totally cool frinds that live about 25 miles from here...they have a "truckgarden" and are really busy all summer...who knows,mabey after everything is in we can start a prayer/encouragement group. See? You guys really encouraged me and put a little wind under my sails! (smile). Hey...also (hehehe) if any Countryside readers want to help us populate this place, fixxer uppers on small acreage go REAL CHEAP up here.
-- Beth Weber (, August 23, 2000
and I was getting ready to invite you here!. Good choice, Beth. Give the Lord time to work. His time isn't ours. Melina
-- Melina Bush (, August 23, 2000.
I am so glad Beth that you worked it all out in your mind. I was hoping that you wouldn't get mad at me. I know how you feel, I have experienced the isolation too. One thing I have found that helps me make friends is whan I go out to buy livestock from private owners. I can't tell you the number of people I have met by going to buy animals and asking them to show me their gardens or other animals. People love it when you take an interest in their operations. I also like to ask if my kids can have a tour for school. For every person like you in the country there is another person just as lonely.Little Bit Farm
-- Little bit Farm (, August 23, 2000.
Beth, where are you located? I'm always looking for the place I want to retire to. But probably by the time I can retire (8 years) I will have fixed up my current place so much that I won't want to leave it.
-- Colleen (, August 24, 2000.