Derby Match Thread : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Starts here! we're an hour and 50min until kick off, but I'm going crazy with anticipation. Get the virtual pints and singing going folks! :-D

oh...and not forgetting the traditional weather reports...cloudy and warm-ish in BosTOON. How're things around the world?

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000


Calgary, Alberta...Sunny clear blue sky, 21 celsius, a lovely day. Just after 11 o'clock am, must sneak away from work to try the new webcast...hope me boss isn,t watching the door.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Chicago is as sweaty as an Arabs armpit. Is solano playing tonight?

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Its 87 degrees in sunny Tampa, Florida. Six pack of broon ale "mini- me's" on ice and I am ready to go. Howay the lads. Hi Ciara :o)

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Hello to all you stateside Geordies. I'm in darkest Cambridge (UK) and may as well be living in the ant-arctic. Wish I was in the ground right now; they'll be letting people in now.

I will be able to listen to 5-Live although I suspect they'll be covering the Leeds match. How will you guys be able to keep up with the match?


-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

hey all....anyone got the webcast yet?

Heya Limey! Welcome to the madness! :-)

Jonny boy..if you go to, click on the metro radio logo on the left side of the page, then the bigger logo on the next page that comes'll be on our webcast....eventually. ;-)

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Metro radio webcast ;o) although the quality aint that great at the moment.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

HIYA EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!! (:O)

Gloriously hot in `sunny` Bournemouth - garden`s watered, dogs fed, big pile of peanut cookies and a mug of coffee to hand - all set!

Jonny Boy - do you have Real Player on your computer? (:o)

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

wahey! Hear we go! It's on! Given
Barton Dabs Hughes Domi
errr...missed the midfield, but did hear Cordone, Shearer and Cort

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Cheers (Ciara & Limey) - will do.

I don't suppose Nicky Brown is still on Metro Radio these days eh?

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Gawd...can I just say.. I LOVE THIS WEBCAST ALREADY!!!! Especially after what we had for the last 2 season! :-))

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Hello all from sunny Cheshire. Got your beers in hand??

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Hi Pilgrim! Exciting isn`t it!(:o)

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Hello everyone, I,m here, managed to sneak out from work...webcast is on, can't have a beer though, have to return to work after the match...Wish I was there.....

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Hi Pete - how ya` doin`?(:o)

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Hi Gal. You're not kidding it's exciting. It's great to have the web-cast start early. - Gives us time to soak up the atmosphere,

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

No beer right now, but i've got a Broon in the fridge for celebrations later. :-)

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Good afternoon, our friends across the Atlantic. Sorry 'bout the beer Pete - you can celebrate later.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

I will Pilgrim, I will....

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Hello again Galaxy!! Am just in the process of downloading RealPlayer8. (I've gone for the basic version via Paris).

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

alreeet nuff with the beer stuff. It's only 135pm here in chicago and I am already sweatin like i've been wrapped in plastic wrap (now theres a thought) Hello everyone, can someone help me with this webcast stuff I am lost.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Way to go - Jonny Boy! This is going to be such fun!(:o)

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

After the state of some (most...ok...all) of last seasons webcasts, this one is sounding pretty good. am I correct in assuming this is the normal live metro radio bradcast we are picking up.??

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

135pm...lunchtime...time for beer, Syme! ;-)

You need REal player 8...I'll go figger out the direct link from the official s*ite. back in a mo.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Hi Ciara.

I lied about the beer - I'm drinking coffee at the mo. I'll celebrate watching Match of the Day later (could be a fight for the TV there Gal - Big Brother clashes - Mrs P can watch upstairs I reckon) if we get the expected win.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

No contest Mr. P. - I`ll record BB! Who needs to watch hot sex on telly when we could be watching SHHHHEEEEEAAAAARREERRR`S first hat trick of the season! (:o)

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Even better....the addy popped up in my real player. So for those of you yet to tune in click here of the few benefits of living in the states, I get to listent to the match now and watch the Survivor(the States' ratings answer to BB) finale tonight. Unfortunately we don't get MOTD highlights and will probably only get a minute on the EPL show next weekend.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

How`s life treating you Ciara? New job yet?(:o)

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Still downloading. . . . 16 mins to go. . . . Aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! I can't wait this long!!! I'm not too clever with downloading stuff. Are you guys able to get Metro radio using the FREE basic download?

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Ciara. I bet NUFC.COM have the goals video before the weekend! Definite American flavour (Sorry flavor) to the Ads on the Webcast!

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Jonny Boy, that's a Yes, you only need Real 8 basic. We,ll keep you updated till you get set up.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Howay me bonny lads...Howay....

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Jonny...yep, I only got the basic download

Galaxy...still no job, but I've finally managed to get an interview at a place on Friday. A major achievement around here these days!

Pilgrim...I was wondering about all those American voices on the ads. I noticed that when I was over last season too. It's weird. Other than that country-singer, there seems to be no obvious reason to use an American voice. Just as bizarre as if Geordie accents suddenly started turning up on local Boston ads. Not that I'd mind if that last bit started happening. ;-)

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Listen to that crowd... :-D

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

HOWAY LADS!!!!!!!! UP AND AT `EM!!!!!!!(:o)

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Heeelllo there everybody-

Lets put 4 up tonight. No audio here unfortunately so you are all my eyes and ears (maybe more).

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Get in you beauty!!!!!!!!!!

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000


-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000


-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Get in there man City!!!

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000


-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

ah fer cryin out loud...nearly gave away a goal. My webcast was freaking out so I didn't hear exactly what happened. If we ever learn to keep concentration after our goals we'll be dangerous

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Hi Pete T - arrived just at the right time!(:o)

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Looks like Dabs is hurting....might go off

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

OK - I'm having a beer now!

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Dabs took a knock to the knee, Goma warming up, but Dabs is back on for now

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Oh flippin heck, don`t tell me Cort`s injured already! (:o|

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Calm down Gal - he seems OK. :o))

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

The injury jinx threatens again.. :-/

At least he's back on for now.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Relax....he's only hurt one leg, his other is perfectly good.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

lol, Pete...not to mention it's his shooting leg that's still good!

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Anybody else keep loosing the webcast? I`ll take a tablet Pilgrim! (:o)

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

The match will be over by the time I down load this real player ! :o(

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

haven't totally lost mine, but it keep breaking up whenever something relatively crucial happens

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Hi Galaxy, dont lose that webcast!! What's up with Dabs?

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Another blatant penalty ignored by the ref

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Must still be places up for grabs on the Belgian Olympic diving team ;-)

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Aw fluppin heck - it`s gone completely now - keep posting folks. (:o(

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Looks like Dermott Gallacher is being himself again...poor judgement, blind as a bat, and easily fooled by the dive.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

maybe I should be greatful that I don't have the web cast only 1hr 7 mins to go ;o(

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Phew! Got it back!(:o)

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Hi everyone, mind if I join in? It's 3 am where I at and I just got up. Take it the score is 1-0?

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Hang in there Jay - it shouldn`t take that long!(:o)

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

My webcast is breaking up quite a bit Gal.

We need another goal quick.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

2-0 to City !!

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Not just mine then! I second that sentiment Pilgrim - breathing space would be nice!(:o)

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Hi Maverick. Glad to have you. Where are you?

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Commentators saying the game has gotten a bit scrappy the last few minutes.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Welcome Maverick, yep, still 1-0, sounds like a crap game so far.......

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Wanchope!! Man City 2- 0 M.Heeds!!

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Welcome Maverick - of course we don`t mind. Loads of room for everyone! Where are you?(:o)

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

The commentators reckon the new ball is having an effect. It's flying around more than the players expect

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Halfway round the world in Malaysia. Wife thinks I'm crazy getting up for this but really need to know how the match went first hand.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Anybody know why they decided the ball should be lighter?(:o)

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Cort off - Glass on!

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Cort off injured, Stephen Glass on....

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

oh man...Cort off, Glass on, Cordone moving forward

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Looks like Cordone will push up with Shearer, and Glass will play behind them on the left side

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Oh Rats - Cort`s off - Glass on. And they do keep putting us under pressure. Come on - we want another before half time!(:o|

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

It'll be interesting to see how Cordone does in his "normal" position.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Shay seems to be doing OK again tonight.(:o)

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

COME ON!!! PUT SOME PRESSURE ON THEM!!! We`re giving it away too much!(:o|

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Looks Like Goma coming on...probably for Dabs who is carrying a knock

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Sounds like Dabs is coming off. Goma on

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Last minute...first half

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Dabs off - Goma on! Another injury! This is not good!(:o|

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

2 minutes added on

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000


-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Ciara. My network is behind a firewall anyway I can knock it down? thanks for the help though

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

oh lawdy....Hughes has a slight knock in his achilles now. We are cursed. :-/ And Derby's just equalized. &*&#^@#%. :-|

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Oh Shite! 1 - 1 When will we learn!!! Grrrrrr!!!(:o|

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000 come the new ball is only causing a problem for our lads...doesn't seem to be a problem for Derby....Half time 1-1...Come on Bobby....get the lads playing together second half.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Hope Bobby can wake the lads up at halftime! The commentators say we looked awful after that first 4 minutes. *sigh*

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

I think I got 5-7 min of the webcast, the rest was downtime

They have a max of users on their server !!!!! bollox

Please keep me informed.....

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

That's it - no more beer for me. :0((

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Did they score before or after Goma came on?

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

After, Maverick - the commentators weren't blaming Goma though.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

I wonder what YBR is saying to the boys in the dressing room. Seems like they aren't communicating at all. Big Al has had a very very quiet night so far. Commentator sez Cordone reminds him of Kets, a comment I also heard after sunday's game. Lets get it together lads, make it click.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Evening Vatos - that`s rotten - keep watching this space, between us all we will hopefully keep you up to date. (Assuming we don`t loose the webcast!)(:o)

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Thanks Pilgrim. Just wanted to know for my fantasy football team.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

51,327...Official attendance. that meand 800 empty seats, or is that empty suits.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Here we go, and for those not having the webcast, we are kicking from left to right. 2-1 CORDONE

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000


-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

2-1 Condone!!!!!!

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

can we get more debutans on the field.....they seem to score !!!

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Hi all - I log on and we score! :)

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000


-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

YYYYYYYEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! Cordone Rocks!!!!(:o)

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Ok, has anyone else got goosebumps hearing 50,000 supporters singing Blaydon rAces? :-D

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Nice one Chevy - you`ll have to be the BBs mascot! (:o)

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Why can't I get this bliddy webcast back.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Chevy do us a favour man. log off and then log back on. step to it man.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

do I have to wear a magpie suit?

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Gal, BBs mascot/ Big Brother's mascot???

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

I'm growing my hair to look just like Cordone. Anyone know what's with the front part that looks like abald spot with a lining of hair??? Hmmm....

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Ciara, they sound amazing!!!! Sounds like Shearer is getting into the game a bit now too!(:o)

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

ooh!! Its a corner!!....Speed heads over

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

vatos said there's only a limited number of connections allowed on the server. Keep may still get through when someone else logs off.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

OH YEAH!!!! GLASS!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3-1

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Another corner!


-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

3-1 GLASS 25 Yarder

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000


-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000


-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

get on!!!!

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

That's it. No more drinking while the match is on. Come on!! We want SIX!

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Yipeeeeeeeeeeee we are off folks see what heppens when I don't wear me new away shirt.

Also city keeper hasn't had a save all game!!!!!!

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Sounded like a real nice goal, picked the Top corner from 25 yards

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

argh....Shearer just about got one.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Let's just hope that goal will do Glass' confidence a lot of good.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Bobby's half time talk. " noo lads, that was bliddy stupid givin away that last minnit goal, here's worra want ye te dee. Cordone, you played like a w@nker in the first half, if ye divvent score in the first 37 seconds yer off, and as for ye Glass, if ye were to pop in a 25 yarder, I might tear up yer transfer papers and give ye a real job. Worrabooritt lads...Away ye gan"

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

LOL...more like...If you don't start playing like we all know you can during the second half, I'm sending the team bus away and making you walk back to your cars through 50000+ angry supporters. ;-)

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Bugger Mackems have just scored twice to equalise.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

chevy tell me ye log off and then back on. Makems have pulled one back, by the aforementioned backpuller

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Tee-hee - I think you could be right Pete in Canada!(:o)

Hallo Dunstan Lass - have you just come in?(:o)

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

logging off....

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

logged back on - no goals :(

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Hi Galaxy, been reading as I kept losing the webcast but its been ok since half time. I'm sooooo jealous of the bloke using my season ticket tonight.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Hello from Belgium. I see lots of us are having trouble with the Metro webcast. Maybe we should all let Metro know and see if they can do something to allow more of us to listen at the same time. Mine went off and I couldn't get on for 15 minutes just now, so thanks for all the up-dates. How is Goma doing? And how bad are the injuries to Dabizas and Cordone?

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Thanks chevy, nice one. Apparently the atmosphere is sensational.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Hughes seems to be playing exceptionally well - #touches wood so as not to tempt fate#

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Barry, sounds like Goma is solid, no word on the injuries....

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

oh bugger - Barton sent off

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Mackems losing again!

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Barton red carded...gallacher is a knob.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

WHAT?! Barton sent off??? For what?? A shirt pull??? What drugs is Gallagher on??

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away :/

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

So, Barton pulls back Burton, last man thing, Ref plays on, lets Burton get a shot on goal, doesn't score, then he backs up, Red Cards barton and give derbt a free kick, after playing the advantage. What an ar$hole.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Should be about ten minutes left right. Come lads, bring it home.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Nobby off, Charvet on...playing 4-4-1

Wanchope hat trick 3-2 to Man City

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Bet that`s agony for you Dunstan Lass - but it`s better than an empty seat!(:o)

Hi Barry from Belgium - good idea that - my webcast keeps breaking up too!(:o)

Barton off! (:o0 Didn`t sound like much, but he should still know better.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

oh bugger again - 3-2 hmmmmmmm

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Bollox 3-2

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Bugger 3-2 - Johnson - seven and a half mins to go

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

oh jeez....3-2.

Cmon lads!! Defend!!! I got a bad feeling when the commentators said it seemed we'd taken our foot off the gas about 15min ago. argh!!

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Johnson - 3-2


Come on lads - concentrate....

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Oh Rats! Rats! Rats! - Somebody tell me that we aren`t going to let them equalise!!!!!{:o[

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000



Listen to that crowd....


-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Whats the URL for the real player??

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

No more goals please?

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

My webcast has gone mad -sounds like I'm listening to the clangers - now 4-2 to Man City

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Mackems 4-2 down - but the tension here is unbearable - Domi almost scores - corner to us - 1 min 50 secs left - corner taken short ....

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Injury time...corner to us

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Thank you Min - I need someone to hold my hand!(:o)

I`m also worried about Softie - I think he might have gone into labour!(:o)

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh - this is too much - and against Derby for f@cks sake


-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

ooooo...I can't take this...BLOW THE WHISTLE!!!!

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Omagawd!!!! Blow the Bloody Whistle!!!!(:o{

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Its over 3-2 win. WHEW!!!!!!!!

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Whew!! That was far closer than it should have been, but we got the 3 points!

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Thank God for that. Well done lads.

I need a rest (before MOTD)!

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Off back to work, Thanks for the company...see you all next time.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Cheers all - bye for now.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

YESSSSS!! I smoked 5 cigs in those last 10 mins!!! Scary stuff.....3 points yummmmm....

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

No problem Gal,

Gav sent his little guardian angel.....

what did tell you? - Faith

; o ))))))))


-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Phew!!!!!!!! Oh didn`t that feel as though it could have gone horrible wrong! I`m drained! I think I would have cried if we hadn`t got the three points.

Great company on here tonight - as always! See ya later!(:o)

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

When I now have RealPlayer 8 and the webcast shame the game is over but at least I am sorted for next time!!

May I also say nice one City nice one son nice one city go and score another one! :o)

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Three points in the bag and hopefully another three on Saturday. That's it for me. Back to sleep. Good night all and thanks for the banter.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Hughes getting good reviews. Nice to hear! I need to settle my nerves and impatiently wait for niall and biffa to get the goals up. Can't wait to see Glass'. Sounded great!

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

From MOTD, looks like we played some very good football at times...just a bit worrying we didnt really get a full grip of the game though it is very early in the season. Interesting how lightweight in midfield we were in terms of physical presence with Dyer, Glass+Solano.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Just a quick eye-witness review of the game.

Very much a mixed bag - defensively we were hopeless again, with absolutely no cohesion at all: going forward we played some good stuff, but only in spells. We started both halves well, but fell away each time allowing Derby to get a foothold in the game and in the end were just holding on.

In addition to the defensive frailty, I never thought we got a firm grip on midfield. Dyer and Solano did OK in spells but not consistently, and with Cordone supporting CC & AS in advanced positions, we were often outnumbered in midfield.

On a positive note we played some great stuff for 15 minutes at the start of the 2nd half when we got our 2nd and 3rd goals, with Stephen Glass looking good. For those worrying on this thread that Axel is another Kets - forget it - he's a more than useful player, good on the ball, knows where the goal is, and importantly, keeps going to the end. I thought he looked extremely promising. Individually, Domi and Hughes played well, but as I said earlier, the defence just doesn't play as a unit and IMO lacks a General to get them organised.

A reasonable, if not totally convincing display, but against an average PL team with a number of their better players out with injuries, and the need for further improvement, especially defensively, if we are to do anything at all.

Worryingly, the injuries appear to be piling up with CC doing a hamstring, and Dabs by some accounts damaging a cartiledge in his knee.

BTW Galaxy - did you say 'shite' earlier? Wash your mouth with soap gal! 'Tis a nice descriptive word though.

Met Sting for the first time tonight, and also Mr. & Mrs former Pete-in-the-Bahamas, now Pete-in-Thanet, in the Strawberry. Very nice people - hope they enjoyed the match. The atmosphere was canny if not spectacular, but a few signs that the volume could be 'fairly interesting' when we really get going. Three points will do nicely - for starters.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Thoughts from MOTD.

Defence was awful first half, though still a but unlucky to concede the goal. Better after the break, but probably because we seemed to attack much more so they didn't have the same pressure - until Barton's deserved sending off. It's just a pity that next week we'll see another player in exactly the same position get away with a yellow - or nothing!

Bobby was spot on when interviewed and it was refreshing to hear a manager supporting the referee. Jim Smith thought he had a very poor game 'cos the third goal shouldn't have been allowed because there was a foul - sorry I must have missed that!

Very pleased with Dyer's form and that Glass got a confidence- boosting goal. Also Cordone. Shearer seemed to have a much better game that Merto Radio gave him credit for. He'll still get plenty this season.

Moving away from Newcastle's match, I thought Wanchope was brilliant tonight. He reminds me so much of Asprilla I really wish we'd gone for him.

I noted that the two other sendings off tonight, while probably deserved for second yellows, both involved theatrics from two of the most cheating players in the league. Firstly Mark Hughes elbowed, jostled and, as he went down, punched Tiler. He managed to provoke the required raction and when Tiler kneed him, clutched his face like he'd been shot! Seen that before a few times eh?

Same with the Stimac sending off. Yes he body checked that sweet innocent Robbie Savage, but again Savage went down clutching his face in apparent agony. Job done, West Ham down to 10! I've seen it all before and I'll see it again with the same two players.

Back to the Toon, I hope they leave Hughs in the middle and Domi wide. Maybe give Glass a couple more games. If Barton's out for three games I hope Griffin is fit enough to take his chance, and I think that Cordone-Shearer up front (assuming Cort misses a game or two) might allow us to stabalise the midfield a bit more and stop us being overrun. Hopefully we'll see Coppinger and Gavilan on the bench and let them run at tired defenders later in the game.

For Spurs I like the sound of Given, Griffin (if fit else Charvet) Hughs, Goma, Domi, Solano, Dyer, Speed, Glass, Cordone, Shearer. Plenty of attacking options there methinks and if the defence can't cope we'll just have to score more than then as in Keegan's time! :o))

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Cheers fellas. Great reports to go down with the morning toast and coffee.Sounds like we have a few defensive problems to sort out.

But a wins a win. Nice way to start the day. Sleep well all

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

When some-one, probably Softie, gets around to doing another match report, can they please do the player rating thingy with the subsequent 2 line spiel about how the player performed.

Also am interested in how well Seth Johnsen played and whether he played on the left wing or at full back.

Rather concerned about the Tottenham game now.

-- Anonymous, August 24, 2000

Alan Hansen explained our defensive woes with relative ease last night on MOTD (Glad Lawrenson wasn't there). When Derby attacked down one side our defence were simple streching themselves to cover the area. They should have been shuffling across to cover to close the holes. The winger should then drop back to cover the slot vacated by the full back.

Simple, it looked it!

-- Anonymous, August 24, 2000

The sad thing DB is that it really IS that simple, and basic. I remember our Coach at University (many years ago!) drilling us to do precisely that shuffle depending upon which wing the attack was being launched, and for the life of me I can't understand why the Toon seem to find it so difficult.
It sounds harsh - but you saw it clearly demonstrated on video by Hansen on MOTD - we defend like schoolboys.

-- Anonymous, August 24, 2000

Exactly Clarky, that is what makes it so frustrating. Teams like Leicester can do it in their sleep and yet we don't seem to place much emphasis on it. Looking at last night's goals thay couold have been stopped easily applying the shuffle and getting goal side. Getting goal side wouold have prevented Barton from getting sent off.

Mystify's me, maybe the defenders are plain stupid.

-- Anonymous, August 24, 2000

The defenders were too easily dragged out of position, possibly due to lack of confidence in one another. Or more precisely lack of confidence that the player that should be there is actually there. Tracking back, with a ball coming over their shoulders, they often got dragged wide, going with the opposing striker(s), rather than leaving the wide striker to the full back who should be shuffling across. Result - gaping hole in the middle.

-- Anonymous, August 24, 2000

Either our present defenders are plain stupid or they aren't getting the coaching & direction required.

Either way, it's about bloody time the problem was addressed.

As Alan Hansen said last night, they must defend as a unit, moving laterally as a unit depending upon which wing is being attacked, and thereby avoiding leaving huge gaps between them. If these gaps are left - as we did last night - good strikers will exploit them.

There were also a number of occasions last night were one of our defenders lost possession in the defensive third of the pitch. This is plain suicidal, and lead directly to Barton to being sent off - harshly in my view, as Dion Burton had as much of Bartons shirt as Barton had of his, AND we had another defender in the vicinity. A booking would have been more than enough punishment IMO, but unfortunately this is the age of dumb refereeing.

-- Anonymous, August 24, 2000

You have got to think that with the experience of our coaching staff and the record of Bobby Robson, it is the players that are not carrying out the instructions. Bobby must be thinking he needs a voice out on the pitch who is going to constantly remind the defence.

What I can't understand is with Warren Barton doing his coaching badge and all that, coupled with his attitude, you'd think he'd take it upon himself to organise things. Perhaps he does and nobody listens, in which case we need somebody else to do it and Shearer can't do it from up the pitch.

-- Anonymous, August 24, 2000

Barton is also vice-captain this season, so he should have taken on that organisational role in the defence.

I agree with you DB that it is inconceivable that BR and his coaching staff will not be working with the defenders. The inescapable conclusion is one I reached some time ago - that our present defenders are just not up to it. I really feel we need an experienced defensive general at CB who dictates play at the back and cajoles the others into correct positioning. Where to get him is another matter of course.

Talking about captaincy, I watched disbelieving last night after Barton was sent off as AS wandered aimlessly upfield when defensive reorganisation was very obviously and urgently needed. Gary Speed ran 40 yds to the sideline to consult BR as Charvet got ready to come on, and AS rather belatedly joined the discussion and tried to indicate with sign langauge to Axel where he wanted him to play. I just can't imagine what AS was thinking about at the time.

I have a funny feeling that AS may be regarded almost as a figurehead rather than as a 'working captain', and I just wonder whether this could be part of the organisational/communication problem on the pitch.

-- Anonymous, August 24, 2000

Alrite all , Just back from me latest magical mystery tour and a nights stay at the celubrious Travelinn on City Road ... Met up with Tynedale Man , and a swift crawl to Wutherspoons , The Bridge , past the closed Newcastle Arms into Rosies and onto the Stawbeery .. tremendous company all the way what with TM's pit stops at every where we went ( that lad has a bladder problem ) and the Throng in the Beery ; Pit Bill , Dr Bill , Clarky and Softie were faces to the personalities i know on here and had a great crack ... i thinkl Pit Bill is still pontificating outside at the moment . Screacher looking sleek with a new trimmed hedge on his bonce and Susie Brown ale looking very racy in a leather number !! dougal and I sported the new away shorts with much aplomb and Steph and John telt me off for being so negative .. a very heady mix , oh i almost forgot Dr Bill's also shed his beard for the first time in 30 years !!! To be honest i couldnt imagine you with one now ive met you , but i did spot a bit of chic rubbing going on . Pre match was great , and the match well as usual you're all there before me but i have me views and they are pretty simple .. 1. The team are not fit and that is a major problem . Both Dabizas and Cort were injured trying to make that extra yard of pace for balss slightly out of reach . I can understand impact injuries but this type i cannot ; these lads should be extreme athletes and you have to question the coaching staff . The midfield once again lacked shape and delivery and were too often pulled out of position . Too much ofrward play was down the right hand side , and anything on the left looked dangerous when we tried . Im afrid wor Dolly is looking a bit fragile so far this season . I thot Dyer challenged well and wore the badge with pride , and AL looked short of a yard of pace .. twice in the second half couldve got to balls from crosses that he did in the past . As for the back 4 well yer knaa .. Domi exposed a few times and Goma doesnt move across correctly as discussed . Cordone looked very good and ran into good space and is already a huge favourite .. receiving applause when he took corners from the masses .. his goal was beautifully finished and i thoroughly expect a few more like that . The evening finished well with a good few Jars back in the Strawbeery with the gang and Tynedal man Tynedale Lady and Steve escorted me from the bar to the hotel which was most amusing as id had a skinfull at that stage ! Back to London at 8.30 this morning apst the rolling hills of Northumberland and the views of Durham in the sunshine . A fantastic trip made all the better by the folks i passed alang the road all wi' smilin faces . Magic stuff : - ))

-- Anonymous, August 24, 2000

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