canon s10 : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Hi, Two queries please that I hope someone can help me with. 1. The lens on my camera has picked up a mark/smudge, I tried to remove it with a dry tissue but it has made no difference. I have since read the manual and it states that the lens should not be wiped. Have I permanently damaged it or can the mark be removed? 2. The camera I gather can use an I.B.M. micro-drive, can anyone provide me with info on same? Many thanks Scott.

-- scott walker (, August 23, 2000


Scott, The Microdrive is like a miniature harddrive and is designed for the CompactFlash II slot. Like a regular harddrive, it has moving, mechanical components and temprature, altitude etc. operational limitations. The big plus is obviously the cost of storage. IBM is currently shipping 170Mb and 340Mb microdrives and is expected to ship 512Mb and 1Gb(!) drives very soon. Try the following URLs for more info:


-- Abbas Muhmmed (, August 23, 2000.

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