Where can I buy Cyclone strawberry plants? (garden)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
An old time farmer friend told me he used to raise "Cyclone" strawberries. It is a certain type. He liked their large size and sweetness. Has anyone ever heard of these? If so, are they still available? And where?Thank you.
-- R. (thor610@yahoo.com), August 22, 2000
My Grandfather is 93 and he used to raise Cyclone strawberries. I can't find them anywhere and it looks as if they are not available anymore. I did some extensive research and came up with some history on the plant, but no sources. Sorry!
-- Shau Marie (shau@centurytel.net), February 04, 2001.
i am looking for a different plant my father raised FAIRFAX the sweetest berry and real dark . i am looking for them too
-- dh happ (happ@scrtc.com), February 04, 2001.