Where is the "KCA Board Summary"?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Kentlands : One Thread |
Does anyone know why there is no summary of board actions in the last three issues of the Town Crier? For as long as I can remember (and I've lived in Kentlands since 1993), the summary of board actions has always been a core feature of the Town Crier. It would seem that this information--and receiving it in a timely manner--is of utmost importance to the residents of this community. Does anyone have any feelings about this, one way or the other?
-- Mary N. Macdonald (mnmacd@his.com), August 21, 2000
I got a copy of the recent Lakelands community newspaper and there were more stories about what is going in the Kentlands than there was in the most recent Town Crier.There were stories on 1) Mountain lion sightings in the Kentlands; 2) the changes to the local Giant 3) several new openings in Market Square 4) two gas line leaks 5) a robbery at the Mobil Station.
None of these were included in the Town Crier.
If you go to offical web site of the Kentlands Civic Assocation you learn that the lead story is
Memorial Day BBQ Bash Monday, May 29th 12:00-4:00 p.m. At the Clubhouse Parking Lot (will be canceled if heavy rains)
-- Tom Marchessault (tmarches@juno.com), August 21, 2000.
1 answer might possibly be that we had an interim editor? There is an article about the possible cougar sighting on page 3, however.I was disappointed to see that "Kentlands [*WAS*] featured on national TV". I certainly would've been interested in viewing that program! But I had NO idea it was on, just as I had no idea that Kentlands WAS on Channel 5 last year or so.
THIS forum would've been perfect announcing that program, but since the 'powers-that-be' don't feel that posting here is appropriate, yet again I feel left out.
I was quite surprized when the KentlandsUSA.com site did not include a orum subpage.....Thank you Mr Berney for setting this one up for some of us, at least.
-- Nancy Millman (njmillman@earthlink.net), August 22, 2000.
Where might I pick up a copy of the Lakelands paper?
-- Nancy Millman (njmillman@earthlink.net), August 22, 2000.
It seems to me that the communication avenues in the Kentlands are being shut off at an alarming rate. For a while I blamed the distribution problems, but you can't distribute what you don't have. There is no consistant reliable source of communication between the board and the community. Without a summary of the KCA board actions in the Town Crier, the board has sufficiently rendered the community powerless to question it's actions. It's beginning to feel like totalitarian rule, rather than a democracy.The "official KCA sanctioned" Kentlands web site is ludicrous in its information. The most recent update was in May and the contact information is hopelessly out of date. I would suggest it be taken down until current information can be posted, except when I e-mail questions to the KCA e-mail address, I never get a response. Should the web site come back into play, I think the Town Crier and the KCA board summary should be posted immediately upon publication each month. I would also like to see a summary of board proposals posted on the site. That would give the community time to ponder what might happen BEFORE it is taken to a vote. Does anyone have any comments on this idea?
In the meantime, I agree that the Lakelands Leader is an excellent source for Kentlands news. You can pick up a copy of the Lakelands Leader at Seattle's Best Coffee, Coulson's, the Lakelands Visitor's center, and Crown Books. It also may be distributed soon at the Kentlands Giant.
-- Robin Caldwell (rcaldwell@paint.org), August 22, 2000.
I just read in the most recent Town Crier (which I picked up this afternoon) an article addressing the KentlandsUsa Web site. Mea Culpa for not having accurate information when I posted yesterday. Apparently a talented gentleman has offered to update the web site and has already suggested many of the points raised above. It appears to be a somewhat complicated project in that there were gliches to begin with. Let's hope for the best.
-- Robin Caldwell (rcaldwell@paint.org), August 23, 2000.
My three-word response to anyone who wishes the Kentlands Town Crier were more like the Lakelands Leader is: BRING BACK SONYA!!!! Anyone who has lived here for more than four months will know what I mean.
-- Dee Aronson (deearonson@erols.com), August 25, 2000.